Chapter Fourteen

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Copyright © MarcyN 2013

Forty minutes she had showered and dressed casually in jeans and a white wrap around silk top a Jimmy Choo sandals on. She had flat ironed her hair straight applied light makeup and was ready to go visit her parents. A light tap on the door that separated her and Julian’s room let her know that he was ready she opened it letting him in.

“You smell as good as you look.” He said watching her put in her hoop earrings on . She smiled at him in the mirror.

“Thank you.” She watched as he came behind her pushing her hair to the side as he kissed the nape of her neck. A  shiver ran down her spine as he looked into her eyes.

“If you keep that up we won’t make it to see my parents.” She watched as he stepped back..reluctantly. “I won’t have your parents mad at me.”

“Let’s go say good night to CJ.”

After checking in with CJ they headed downstairs ..She was surprised to see Tonio   sitting talking to Melanie who looked totally smitten.

“Hello sis.” He stood kissing her on the cheek.

“Tonio is here with some of his guys to guard CJ.” Julian  explained.

“Everything will be ok. I have four guards on the premises . their highly trained no one is getting pass them. And Gerald will be with you two.”

“Do you think it’s this serious.” Alyssa asked.

Tonio answered. “This guy means business believe me a threat is never taken lightly especially since your high profile the stakes are high and from what Julian’s told me  he’s mad that  you don’t want him.”

If,  Tonio was trying to scare her he had succeeded.

As they arrived at her parents she still couldn’t get pass the thought that Austin really did want to hurt her and Julian. As they arrived at the suite They were greeted by Charles he was her father’s go to man.  They never went anywhere without him to see her parents you had to see him first. He greeted her with a kiss on her cheek ..He looked Julian up and down before giving him a hand shake and pat on his back. “Uncle Charles this is Julian, CJ’s dad.”

“No doubt about that he looks just like him.”

“Your mom and dad are in the study follow me.”

Her mother hurried to greet them both her father let introduce Julian before they they greeted him affectionately. “I”m so happy to finally meet you
“Julian. It’s so funny that we’ve known your parents for years, and never meet you or your brothers and they never meet the girls too think were family now.”


“Aylssa.” She mimicked. “ Ok you guys talk, while me Alyssa go girl talk.” Alyssa mother lead the way as she followed her into a kitchen were a chef and two maids were preparing dinner.

She greeted them than sat at the table with her mother.

“Alyssa you moved in with him today.”

“How did you find out.”

“You have someone on your staff giving away information. Because I looked at hello Miami and found that out.”

“We just moved in today after Austin threatened me.” The only people who knew were Julian’s family, Ms. Hilda, Donna and Trey.

“He what?” She looked into her mother’s shocked face. “ Austin came over he probably would have tried to rap me if Julian hadn’t come over. OMG  Alyssa your father …you have to tell..him she ushered her back into the living room.. Julian and her father seemed to be in a serious conversation as they entered into the room. “Cameron!” Her mother shouted. “ That asshole attacked Alyssa today.”

“Now calm down Giana.” He said walking over to her mother putting an arm around her shoulder. “Julian told me everything. He’s taking care of Alyssa and CJ. You two need to come sit down so that I can tell you what Austin’s been up to. Alyssa father guided both of them to sit down she sat beside Julian who looked relaxed and at ease. “ As I was telling Julian. Trey has been doing some snooping around for me..and found that Austin was trying to get my stock holders to have me step down as CEO.” 


“What got me started on him is when I found out what happened between you two.”

“What happened Alyssa?” Her mother asked.

 “I walked in on him with his secretary on her knees.”

“That stinking wonder you were so mad and to think I defended him..”

“It’s ok mother, you didn’t know.”

“He wasn’t alone Trey’s friend Victor’s been helping him.”

“That’s how the reporters have known your every move.”

“Trey was so mad he kicked him out . And Austin I let him go two days ago. No telling what he would have done if Julian hadn’t been there. I owe you one son.”

Julian and I both agree that security should be on top one knows where they are and we all know they have a vendetta out for I told Charles to call in our guys and Julian’s brother is taking care of them … “What about Tiffany and Jen?”

“I’ll get Tonio to send someone to pick them up .”

“Charlie will take care of the Birthday party on the yatch.”

“Cameron that was suppose to be a  surprise.” Giana said.

“I know …Iam sorry baby I was surprised when I found out.” He smiled. “Anyway since we have that cleared up . Did you mother mention that our families are having dinner together tomorrow.

“No!” Alyssa answered with Julian looking at each other.

“See I knew you two would see eye to eye. You think alike.”  Giana smiled sweetly at her daughter and Julian. “Anyone hungry I’m famished. Let’s eat she stood and walked toward the dining room like she hadn’t a care in the world.

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