Chapter Seven

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Copyright © MarcyN 2013

Alyssa walked through the private airport exit carrying her five year old son who refused to walk because he was sleepy and very grumpy. Quickly she maneuvered through the crowd silently hoping that no one recognized her since she had opted out on security this trip instead deciding on dark glasses and a baseball hat to cover her identity. The only one to recognize her had been a stewardess that she swore to secrecy. Now that she had arrived in Miami. She rushed to get to her waiting limo. Looking to her right she noticed Melanie engrossed in a text message conversation. A speed demon with one finger. How the girl walked and texted amazed her . It was like she had a six sense that said move right, or move left and yet still she managed to keep up with everything going on around her. The girl was worth her weight in gold it was no doubt she keep Alyssa's life running smoothly straight down to baby sitting at the last moment she was a top notch personal assistant. Alyssa readjusted her son in her tired arms as she walked through the revolving doors. A bright flash caught her by surprise as she stopped to block the crazy photographer that nearly hit her with the camara. Madness surrounded her as the paparazzi greeted her at the exit. Where had they come from she wondered covering her son's face with her hand as she blocked the flashes and plowed her way through the flashing cameras and micro phones. Hardly able to move she let Melanie take over the lead as she yelled out commands for them to move. Alyssa hated that they had no disregard for her son and that they might be frightened. "Alyssa who's your baby daddy?" one shouted. She looked just as he snapped her and CJ photo. "That's none of your business get away from use." "Melanie yelled before Alyssa could respond. Out of nowhere four security guards ran up moving the photographers back as they escorted them to a waiting limo. The driver held the door open as they rushed into the car. "Mommy, who were those people? Why are they asking about my daddy? I don't have one do I?" She looked down into her sons questioning eyes."Yes CJ you have a daddy he's just not here with us."

"Is it because he doesn't love me?"

"No he loves you it's just he's far away."

"Mommy he's been faraway all my life."

Alyssa looked at Melanie pleading for help. "Guess what CJ? I got your DS here want to play a game?" Melanie asked instantly pulling his attention away from the conversation he was having with Alyssa. "Yeah ." He yelled taking the game quickly from Melanie's hands. Happy that her son was now focused on the game. Alyssa silently thanked Melanie, as she sat back wondering how the paparazzi had found out she was arriving today.

They arrived at her beach house as the sun began to set she was surprised to see Donna coming out the door. "Hey baby girl." Donna yelled excitedly as she opened the limo door. Aylssa stood hugging her friend . "I didn't know you would be here."

"Rosa told me what time your flight was landing so I brought dinner for you, CJ and Melanie."

"Thanks where all famished."

" So where is my god son.?"

"I m here aunt Donna." CJ eased out the car followed by Melanie." Oh my god you've gotten so big." Alyssa watched as Donna picked up CJ swing him around.

"I'm the tallest in my class." He squilled

"So why does mommy have a long face CJ."

"Because the man almost hit use with his camera and he asked about my daddy."

"What?" Donna turned to looking at her questioningly.

"The paparazzi where waiting for me when I came out the airport and they were asking questions."

"Why? "

"I don't know, believe me when I say I was in shock."

"They must have people working at the airport."

Only for You(Adult Romance Interracial)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ