1|The Slytherins

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Dracos pov


5th year (1 year ago)

"Good afternoon students, today we will be learning about the Slytherin, " Proffesor bins says

I roll my eyes.

"Last lesson we learnt about the bloody Hufflepuff family and then the fucking Ravenclaws, I absolutely hate this class with a passion, " I scoff

"Chill out mate, we are learning about our founder now. I know it probably won't be as boring as the puffs but you know we could learn something." Blaise says

"You wanting to learn? my arse. Who are you and what have you done with Blasise Zabini?" Lorenzo speaks with a little bit to much sarcasm

"Oh will you three, be quiet and shut up before you get us all a detention for tonight because I have plans." Pansy whisper shouts

"Chill out Parkinson, get a grip and who you going out with, hmm?" I say

"Don't tell me to shut up, ferret boy before I turn you back into a bloody ferret and for your information I am going out with some friends that don't include you three, " She hissed

"Wow Pans what's crawled up your arse and died?" Enzo smirked

"Didn't know you had friends other than us Pans." Blaise said so only we could hear him

I stopped listening to there conversation and started thinking about quidditch and how I was going to push Potter of his bro-

I was broke out of my gaze with the voice of the Proffesor.

"Mr Malfoy can you please tell me who this is?"

The three of them smirked realising I wasn't paying attention

"She is... Eleanor Slytherin, Proffesor." I blurted a bit too fast out of embarrassment

"So you were paying attention Mr Malfoy, next time please look like your paying attention." Proffesor bins broadcasted

"It is said that Eleanor Slytherin is the most powerful witch in the wizarding world" Proffesor bins floated around.
"It is also said that the slytherins are still alive to this day as it is rumoured that they are immortal. However, no one knows where they went. It is one of my most wondered questions, where did they go all those years ago?
I have read that, they went into hiding because of the witch trials hence the reason for Eleanor to drop out of Hogwarts and hide as she was a victim of the trials. Also Salazar Slytherin had two other children, Axton and Xavier Slytherin they weren't apart of the trials and stayed at Hogwarts. But after they both finished their education they both went missing and were never heard of again. Others have assumed they died of a disease, others have also assumed they went into hiding with the rest of their family." Proffesor bins finally finished and instructed us to write about what we have done today

"Can I say she does look hot, I mean I would get with her on the spot." Blaise smirked

I scoff "Please, she probably looks like McGonagall if she was alive. Looking like a bloody hag."

"Don't disrespect Professor McGonagall, she has a special place in my heart." Blaise spoke with a hint of sarcasm. He then placed a hand over his heart.

"Still not over your McGonagall kink, Zucchini?" Lorenzo chuckled

We all chuckled

"Oh come on that was in third year, get over yourselves." Blaise whined

10 minutes later

Class was over, finally. I handed my work in and walked out with Berkshire, Parkinson and zabini.

"You not speaking today Malfoy, after you embarrassed yourself Infront of the whole class. What were you thinking about anyway?" Lorenzo smirked

"Are you asking for a death wish because I swear I'll kill you and for your information it's none of your business of what I'm thinking about. So mind your own business Berkshire." I snarled

"Calm down Draco, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?"Pansy laughed

I rolled my eyes and walked into the Great hall as history of magic was my last lessons today along with my 'friend' group

I sat down on the bench, with Lorenzo sat next to me and Blaise and pansy the opposite side to me.

"I'm bloody starving" I spoke

I grabbed some chicken and some other foods that were being served

"You exited for the Slytherin Vs Gryffindor match tommorow, Draco?" Pansy spoke as she stabbed a carrot and put it in her mouth.

"What can I say, I'm excited to push Potter off his broomstick with hopes he breaks a couple of bones so he won't be able to play for a month or two." I said

A smirk grew on my face with the thought of Potter falling on his arse.

"Can I say, that would be amazing. Seeing him fall off, that would be bloody wonderful. I hate Potter with a passion, he is so full of himself all because his parents were all that in school." Enzo chuckled

"That reminds me of someone, who is full of himself, " Blaise smirked and motioned towards me

"You cheeky bastard, what's wrong with everyone criticizing me today. What have I ever done to you all" I rolled my eyes

"Well you did push me down the moving stairs, last week because I ate one of your chocolate frogs."Lorenzo said making a point

"I would push you down the stairs aswell if you touched one of my chocolates frogs, " Pansy smirked

"Bitch, " Enzo rolled his eyes

"Oh and Malfoy, you also called me a whore, because I used some of your hairspray whilst waiting for Zabini over here to get out of the shower"she motioned to Blaise

I looked over to Blaise.

"I have nothing to say about daddy Malfoy, I'm a good boy." Blaise smiled

"They were minor inconveniences." I scoffed as I stabbed a piece of chicken and shoved it in my mouth.

Less than 30 seconds later.

"Don't touch my food you hoe," I smacked Enzos off my food

Ok maybe they do have a point. But I'll never admit that to them as that would hurt my ego and they would use it against me for as long as they know me.
First chapter!!!!!
I hope you like this chapter!
Remember to eat and drink plenty of water.

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-The author 💖

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