7|Heart Ripper

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Eleanor pov

We all walked into the three broomsticks and we found a table in the far corner.we all sat down. I was sat next to Pansy and Lorenzo whilst Daphne and Astoria sat on the opposite side. Blaise was sat on the left, next to Pansy, and Draco sat next to Daphne facing Lorenzo.

"So, Miss Slytherin? Has Hogsmede changed a bit, since you have been here?" Blaise questioned. "Yes it has changed , quite a bit actually. There is no carts just shops. However I'm sure there is still dodgey shit going on."

"So tell me about yourself." Enzo started. Before I could say anything a waitress came over. "Hello my name is, Esmeralda. What can I get you all today?"
The waitress stated.

"6 butter beers please. Eleanor?"Daphne said.
"I'll have a butter-beer aswell, thank you."

"7 butter beers?"Esmeralda said

"Yes, thank you" we all said

We all paid for our drinks. "I can't believe they still do butter beers." I chuckled

"So tell us about yourself, the great ol' mighty Eleanor Slytherin." Blaise chuckled

"Well what do you want to know?" I ask

"HM let's start with...what is your favourite colour." Blaise starts.

"Really, Zabini favourite colour. God, could you get any more bland." Draco scoffs. "What I need time to think your albino ferret." Blaise smirked.

"Don't call me a albino ferret you arsehole!" Draco shouted

"Or what, Malfoy? Gonna hex me?" Blaise started

"No I'll do much worse tha hex you Zabini, I'll-"

"Here are your drinks, enjoy" Esmeralda arrived with our drinks and placed them on the table.

"She came just in time." Pansy whispered

"So" I took a sip of my butter beer "My favourite colour is emerald green" I stated

"Of course it is your the famous Eleanor Slytherin, the daughter of Salazar Slytherin. Of course your favourite colour is going to be green." Draco scoffed

"Wow Malfoy you really are an arsehole today aren't you." I hissed

"Excuse me?" He snarled

"I said you really are an arsehole today aren't you." I repeated

"Don't push me slytherin." He growled

"Or what you going to hex me? If so it won't be me into the hospital wing, darling." I snarled

"Oh I'm gonna make you regret you said that." He scoffed

"Oh please."

"You can all ask me one question, Blaise you can't ask a question because you used it by asking my favourite colour."

"What--no you can't do that, please I need time to think. Please I beg."

"Begging now? I guess you can have a another chance."

"Thank god. Now give me atleast 5 minutes to think of a question." Blaise said

"My god Blaise." Daphne said and rolled her eyes "

"So who wants to go first?" I question

"How and why are you immortal?" Astoria

"I am immortal because I was nearly killed and I am the dark one. My father made me immortal with the blood of an animal, which I can not name due to risk of improper use." I answered

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