32|Neither Smart Or Kind

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Eleanor's Pov

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Eleanor's Pov

15 February 1998

"So did you enjoy your birthday yesterday?" Draco spoke as we laid in his bed wrapped in his covers.

"Indeed I did," I smiled as I turned to kiss his lips.

So it was my 963rd birthday yesterday. It was also valentines day yesterday.

And, today was well the anniversary of me being stuck to a cross and burnt alive. But, today was the first time in centuries that I haven't been affected by it.

Anyway, I know how Ironic that I was born on the day of love the day I hated for many years before Draco.

We've been dating for a month and 15 days.

I was a bit indecisive at first when he asked me to be his but its been centuries and I needed to let go of the fact that Draco isn't like Hades and he won't leave me for my bestfriend.

I mean I hope so Daphne is my brothers girlfriend and well Merlin doesn't float that way plus, him and Cirella have a thing... I think.

"I suggest we get up and head down the the great hall before breakfast ends," I say as go to sit up but Dracos hand pushes me down, "Can we not just stay in bed all day,"

"Nope, now come on."
As we walk in hand in hand into the hall I see Daphne, Astoria and Pansy all having a heated discussion.

"No I don't know why its there, do you?" Pansy said.

"No, neither do-Oh good morning sushines, it was nice to see you not in your bed this morning," Daphne gives me a smile we'll more of a smug smile.

"Yeah, yeah." I wave my hand, "What are you all talking about?"

"Well this morning we woke up to see two empty beds this morning," Astoria says as she turns to face me.

"What do you mean there was two empty beds?" I turned to face Daphne, "Did you sleep in Axtons bed again?"

"What? No-everyone was in bed apart from you, we're saying there was an extra bed in the form room."

"Yeah I got that,"

"Do you know why it is there?"

"Well Daphne if you put one and one together maybe there is a new student joining?"

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