12|Lavander And Mint

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I was exasperated. Actually no scratch that, I was furious. Who In my fathers name has the audacity to speak to me like the way he did. THE AUDACITY!

I strut back to my dormatry, drop my bag next to my wardrobe and layed on my bed. How I missed laying on my bed at home. My bed was a queen sized bed obviously fit for me, because I'm going to be Queen. My mother wants me to find a suitor, and then have children then blah blah blah. I couldn't be bothered to listen to the rest of the rubbish coming out of her mouth. Love is stupid. End of story.

I was brought back out of my thought when Daphne and Astoria walked in.

"Oh there you are,we were just wondering where you were." Astoria smiled

I look at them both, "I was just at the library with Malfoy. Merlin how I could have killed him"

Dont worry Merlin, it was just a thought.

I felt the side of my bed dip slightly, I looked over to see Daphne layed next to me. "What did he do this time?" She asked.

I sat up unexpectedly and turned to her, " What did he do?! He had the audacity, Daphne, to speak to me like a piece of dragon shit he had just stepped in!" I dramatically fell back and huffed. "I mean who the hell does he think he is. Thinking he could get away with it?"

"Did you do anything back?" Daphne questioned.

"I told him to rott in hell and slapped him, anyway how was your day?"

Astoria laughed, "Finally someone stepped up to the blonde git."

"You definitely radiate bad bitch energy, and thank you for asking, it was fairly decent. I spent half of the day dreaming about your brothers." Daphne smiled.

I turned my head to her smiling, as she talked about my brothers. I gave her a disgusted look. Astoria grinned

"Don't you start Greengrass. One of you is already in love with them, I don't need another."

"Don't worry about it, I have my eye on someone else already." She winked before heading to the bathroom for a shower.

About an hour or so of talking we all decided to get ready for bed, I took a shower and washed my hair in rosemary and lavender shampoo and conditioner. Homemade aswell. Well not technically, I bought it at the markets I passed before I came to Hogwarts at home. But I live in a different world so... actually just forget it.

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