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Miasma: A poisonous vapour or mist believed to be made up of particles from decomposing material that could cause disease and could be identified by its foul smell.


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As soon as I strut out of Dracos room I head towards the halls that lead to Ravenclaw Tower.

The halls are silent and all that can be heard are the sound of my heels clicking the ground. All of a sudden a cold and eerie feeling fills the halls. The sound of wind gushes down the halls.

I know exactly what is happening, so I take one step back before a body comes flying and lands right in front of me followed by a groan.

"How old are you and you still can't land on your feet." I scoff as I roll my eyes.

The person gets up and brushes of their trousers, "I am 959," My brother responds with a cocky smile.

"Smartass," I grumble under my breath. "What are you doing here and where's bitch 2, he's normally up your arse?"

"Am I not allowed to see my favourite sister? And Axton should be coming through any time now."

"I'm your only sister, asshole." As I finished speaking someone collides with me causing me to fall to the floor.

I look up to see Axton giving me a nervous smile which practically screams, 'I'm sorry don't kill me.

"Get off me, you stupid asshole." I spat as I shoved my brother off of me before dusting off the dirt on my clothes.

"Now, now what would dear old mummy say to that language?" Axton smirked as he copied my previous actions.

I roll my eyes at them both as I mumbled so incoherent words in parseltongue.

"I heard that," Axton spoke as he slung his arm around my shoulder before Xavier did the same.

"Good, I hope you did." I snapped.

"What's crawled up your arse and died?" They both spoke at the same time as we walked down the hall.

I scoffed at their words.

"So how are you finding Hogwarts?" Xavier grinned.

"It's like unicorns and butterflies." I gave them both a sarcastic smile. "Why are you here?"

"Uh fine, dad asked us to come and see how you were doing," Axton spoke.

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