9|First day

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Hello for not updating I have been busy and have had writers block. I will try and update more through out the week.

For this chapter sarcasm will be in italics.

Vote or I will cut all your toes off.

Tik tok- raindroppaintedroses

E L E A N O R  P O V

Sunday went quickly and now it was Monday. First day of classes. Fucking brilliant. Take note of the sarcasm if you must.

Classes started at 8:00 and it was 6:03 according to this thing that was on our wall, Astoria said it was a clock, I've heard of them, I think from my brothers when they went back into the old world -the wizarding world- they went at least once every fortnight until my father caught them and when I tell you he was furious he took away their alowence, made them clean the horse stables and basically made them clean the whole castle- it may not seem like alot but let's just say the horse ate something and It certainly didn't agree with their stomach for atleast three days.

I rolled out of bed. literally I rolled off my bed and on too the fucking floor. Fuck the floors cold. I can already tell today is going to be absolutely thrilling. Once again take note of my amazing sarcasm.

I stood up and made my bed making sure that there was no crease in the duvet and the pillows were straight, just how I liked it.

I looked over to the girls and they were still asleep. I walked over to my wardrobe and pulled out a white blouse, my slytherin robe, a grey pleated skirt and white knee high socks along with my tie and school shoes. Oh how the uniform has changed I can actually show more than my fucking ankles without a bastard getting all flustered and distracted from my sexy ankles.

I walked over to my chest of draws and pulled out a black lace bra and black lace knickers.

I took of my night wear and put on my bra and knickers.

"Wow, God does have favourites. How are you so fucking hot?" I heard a voice from behind me. I turned around to see Daphne climbing out of bed.

"I'm just gifted Daphne, I'm Gods work." I smirk "Did I wake you up by any chance?" I questioned.

"Oh no, I woke up out of instinct." She said. "God that sound weird." She muttered to herself as she got her uniform out and ready.

I pulled my white blouse over my shoulders and fastened the buttons, I then pulled my skirt up and brushed it down to make sure it was neat. I grabbed my tie and tied it. I walked over to my dresser and opened a trinket pot. I pulled out a snake pin and pinned it to my tie. All the purebloods in slytherin had these to show that their families have been in Slytherin and so on. Only slytherins had these and it was like our own unique trait apart from the stubbornness and and our ambitiousness.

"Are you excited for today?" Daphne asked

I turned around as I pulled on my robe, "Does my face look like I'm excited for today, I swear if one Proffesor tries too correct me I will rip out their hearts and shove it up their arse. I probably know more than the worthless excuses of space!" I exclaimed.

Daphne chuckles "what's got you so worked up?"

"If they test me atleast once I'll make sure they question their own existence." I said

Everyone was now awake and dressed. Astoria and Pansy were doing their hair and me and Daphne were doing our makeup.

Finally, we were all done and ready to leave. As we were walking out of the girls dormatries the boys were just walking out of the boys dormatries.

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