31|Fallen Angel

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Eleanor's Pov

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Eleanor's Pov

28 December 1997

It felt nice.

To have a body to me. And no, I don't mean a lifeless body.

It felt nice.

To have someone listen to you and not give you pityful looks.

It felt nice.

But the one thing that was unpleasant was his thoughts.

I knew he was coming to me the moment my father poured him a glass of Whiskey. I also knew his thoughts.

The thoughts that told him I would kill him. The thoughts that told him I was a murderer. That I'm evil.

All those intrusive thoughts were not true. Apart from the part calling me a murderer...

I am a murderer. But not the type everyone paints me to be. I have always been portrayed as a fallen angel ; I always will be.

I kill to protect not to hurt.

That's my moral.

Protect not hurt.

"Good morning," A groggily voice spoke.

I turned to face the blonde next to me.

"Morning," I smiled.

"Come here," Draco put his left arm around my body and pulled me towards his bare chest.

I tuck my head into his neck. His cologne filling my senses, "You smell nice," I murmur, hoping he doesn't hear me because we all know his ego is bigger than Azazel and Blaise's egos combined.

"Thank you, love."

I look over to the clock on the wall opposite me.


"As much as I would love to stay like this all day, I'm hungry and I want watch my brother choke on grapes."

"You want to watch you brother choke on grapes?" Draco says wearily making sure as if he heard me correctly.

"Yep," I pop the 'p' at the end, "Most mornings my brother, Axton, likes to shove as many grapes into his mouth. He hasn't been able to have any grapes or grapes juice due to his fat ass eating them all so my father sent some people to go collect more grapes at the southern end up my kingdom seem as that's where they grow. "

It brings joy when he chokes, psycho I know.

" Don't grapes need to grow in warm conditions? " Draco asks.

"Mhm, the southern side of my kingdom is completely different weather compared to up north where we are. The weather Is really warm for some reason...don't ask me because nobody knows why and it doesn't rain alot either."

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