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"Good afternoon class, today we will be going over a topic that we did last year and hopefully we will have some more information about it this lesson as we have a student that can help us, haven't we Miss Slytherin?" The idiotic ghost said.

"Pardon? I don't remember agreeing to this, Proffesor." I questioned.

"No you didn't agree, however hopefully you can show some kindness and help the class for this lesson."

I scoff "I don't have any kindness or sympathy. So no I won't be helping the class, I'm here for my education not to help others that is your job not mine. I'm only here because I was forced too." I gave the Proffesor a fake smile.

"I don't appreciate your attitude to me Miss Slytherin, please change it before I give you a detention for being disrespectful to your Proffesor." The ghost commented.

"I don't appreciate, you putting words into my mouth, Proffesor." I snapped

I heard a couple snickers from my classmates.

"That's it I have tried to be nice, Miss Slytherin, detention tonight."

I heard blasie and Draco snicker from behind and the side of me.

The Proffesor turned around "What's so funny Mr Malfoy and Mr Zabini? You can both join Miss Slytherin at detention tonight."

Draco groaned and Blaise scoffed.

The Proffesor floated towards his desk.

Draco turned around,"Nice work Slytherin, you just earned me and Zabini a detention." Draco snapped.

"Maybe next time you both need to hide your fucking snickers then, dipshit." I spat

"Maybe next time keep your insults to yourself, Slytherin." He spat back and turned around.

"Maybe next time tell the halfwit ghost to not speak to me like a fool." I hissed.

Daphne nudged my shoulder, "Ignore him Eleanor he's just trying to get to you."

I was brought back to attention when the Proffesor brought down the whiteboard with a loud snap.

"When I heard, that Miss Slytherin was coming to Hogwarts I did some research and I came across a book in the forbidden section and I found some very interesting information." The ghost states.

Proffesor binns slides a page of a book underneath the projector.

The drawing was made with moving ink and showed a figure with a black cloke killing muggles.

"This is a drawing that was created in 1051 by an unknown wizard that witnessed Miss Slytherin killing 7 Muggle borns."

I groan and put my head into my hands. Everyone gasps and turns towards me.

The Proffesor turns towards me, "Why did you do it Miss Slytherin?! Why did you kill those innocent muggles borns?!"

I lift my head up and looked at him, "Because I did, they didn't deserve magic, they were filth, their families think we are freaks when they are just as worse!" I shouted "They hurt me! Muggle borns are just as evil, especially in the 11th century I bet you didn't know that Muggle borns helped with the witch trials, and how they betrayed other pureblood witches and wizards by handing in to the council and watching get burned alive!"

The Proffesor looked at me with shock.

I calmed down a bit,"I bet they don't put that in the textbooks now do they?"

The ghost went to say something but I interupted him again," I don't do that stuff any more even though I am capable of still doing it because I made a promise to someone very important to me that I would never kill anyone if it wasn't needed." I said as I stood up and walked out of the classroom.

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