Chapter 1

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"Damn it!" I toss the pile of bills onto my little round coffee table. If mom and dad would just let me have my inheritance, none of this would be happening. But no, they were far too selfish for that.

Knowing my parents, this was probably their way of trying to control me. They want me to come back home and beg them for money, but I won't. I refuse to be pulled back under them.

They won't give me my inheritance, because instead of becoming doctors like them and my sister Gabriella, I dropped out of my first semester of college to pursue my dreams of becoming a dancer.

My older sister was the golden child. She was the one who went to college, became a doctor, and continued the family legacy by marrying another doctor.

I tried. I really did. But I hate blood and I especially hate needles. There was just no point in making my life miserable just to please them. What would I gain from that besides depression.

When I told them I wanted to be a dancer and own my own studio they laughed in my face. They told me it wasn't a real job, and that if I wanted my inheritance then I was going to have to do what they wanted, which will never happen. So they can keep that shitty money all they want, because I won't be asking them for money ever.

I'm twenty-six years old now and have yet to achieve my dreams. but I know it's just around the corner. And when I do reach my goal, it will be my turn to laugh in their face.

Standing up, I begin pacing back and forth. I run my hands through my auburn curls, releasing a frustrated sigh. Three days is all I have to come up with the rent for this month. Three! And I got fired last week for telling a man to shove a hot dog up his ass.

It wasn't my fault he wanted a gluten free tofu dog at a movie theater, and got upset because we didn't have one. I feel as though I had every right to say what I said after he so rudely threw his popcorn bucket at me.

I haven't told my parents, and probably never will. I've been working my ass off trying to prove to them that I didn't need their little money to get by. I could become successful all on my own.

There's a knock at my door, pulling me away from my thoughts. I knew who it was right away. Jumping with joy, I rush over to open the door. "Gabby!" I sling my arms around my sister, pulling her into a tight embrace. She just got back from her honeymoon and promised me she would stop by.

She knows what mom and dad are doing to me as she herself experienced it. She didn't want to become a doctor either, but they bullied her into doing what they wanted. They insulted her and said she wouldn't amount to anything if she didn't do what they said.

That's why she's always telling me she regrets not standing up for herself. That she regrets not following her own dreams, and instead, allowing herself to be manipulated and controlled by our parents.

"Hey hermana(sis)!" She hugs be back tightly, before closing the door behind her and pulling me to the couch. She notices the bills right away. "Autumn," she says in that motherly tone of hers.

She picks up the stacks of bills and flips through them. I roll my eyes when she stops on the envelope with "eviction notice" stamped in bold red letters.

Gabby knows I won't ask her for money either. It just isn't me. Being the daughter of Doctor's Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs has taught me that I can't rely on anyone else for anything, especially with my problems.

I learned how to depend on myself at a young age, so you won't see me begging anyone no matter how difficult things get. "What are you going to do?" She asks, concern filled in her dark brown eyes.

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