Chapter 31

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I was in the middle of a performance, Niccolo, my biggest supporter, sitting in the front row when one of my co-workers informed me that Julia wanted to see me.

Finishing my performance, I receive an applause from a few men in the audience as I bend down to pick up the bills they tossed onto the stage.

Stuffing them in my bra, I blow Niccolo a kiss. Winking at him, I head down the steps and make my way towards the backroom.

Speed walking down the hallway, I pause in front of the office door. Balling my hand into a fist, I knock on the door and step back. Heels click-clacking against the marble flooring fill my ears, and the door is swung open.

She walks back over to her desk, leaning on its edge. Crossing her arms over her chest, she jerks her chin to the leather seat in front of her, motioning me to take a seat.

Sitting down in the chair, I sling my leg over the other, waiting to hear why I've been called in here once again.

"You've been an amazing addition to the fallen angels."

I knew what was coming right after she said that. It was so painfully obvious. "You're firing me!?" I cut in, jumping up to my feet.

She raises her hands up in surrender. "It wasn't my choice. I'm simply the messenger doing their job."

"If it wasn't your choice, then who? Who asked you to fire me?"

Noticing the angry look on my face, and my clenched fists, she swallows and walks around to her desk where she's safe. Either I've built quite the reputation here, or me being Niccolo's girl has made her cautious.

"Niccolo. He asked me to fire you. He didn't say why, just that your dismissal is effective immediately."


This can't be happening. He wouldn't do that to me. Not after all we've been through. God, was I stupid to believe he'd actually change his ways?

Frowning, my hands still balled in a fist, I storm back out to the main floor to confront Niccolo.

Zeroing in on Aloi, I walk up to him, standing inches from his face. He flinches, backing up in fear. "Whatever it is, I didn't do it. Please don't tell Niccolo," he says, panicked.

I roll my eyes, pissed. "Where the hell is Niccolo?"

"He's in one of the VIP rooms." Pulling out a red silk blindfold from his pocket, he holds it up in my face. "He told me to tell you to put it on."

Snatching the blindfold out his hands, I shove past him to click the the arrow shaped button to the elevator pointing up. "I'm not putting on shit!"

Aloi doesn't say anything, probably too afraid to speak. The elevator doors open, VIP guests looking at me with concern as they file out of the elevator.

Baring my teeth, I groan out in frustration, aggressively pressing the number two button repeatedly until it finally lights. Crossing my arms over my chest, Aloi curses under his breath as the doors slowly close shut.

Practically lunging out of the elevator doors when I reach the second floor, I don't bother to speak to Cesare, who's getting a lap dance from CoCo, and Luciano who's typing away on his computer.

"Hey Aut- well damn," he says when I don't even acknowledge him. He looks to his brother, who shrugs in response. Both of them are watching me with confusion, wondering why I'm so upset.

Stopping in front of the door, I use my foot to kick the door open. Niccolo looks up, his head cocked and a mischievous smile marking his handsomely annoying face. He's sitting with both arms outstretched on the couch's rim and his legs splayed slightly apart.

"Hello, princess," he says calmly.

"You told Julia to fire me!?"

He eyes the blindfold in my hand, before bringing his gaze back to me. "Why haven't you put the blindfold on like I asked?"

I flip him off, chucking the blindfold at him. The silk blindfold smacks him in his chest before gliding down into his lap.

"Fuck you!"

Amusement flickers into his hazel eyes, the smirk on his face widening. "Someone's pissed off." He slides the blindfold off his lap, setting it down beside him.

Lashing out at him, I lunge and swing my clenched fist at his face. He catches both my attempts in his hands, spinning me around and forcing me onto his lap.

He pins my arms to my chest, holding me firmly in place. His scent burns my nostrils, his lips graze up the side of my neck, over my cheek, and stopping on my ear.

He breathes softly into my ear, his warm tongue gliding up the lobe and causing me to squirm. "S-stop," I whimper. "I'm mad at you."

"Put. The. Blindfold. On. Autumn," he growls out, his voice gruff, demanding, and his tone laced with warning.

Holding up the blindfold, I snatch it from his grasp, fold it over my eyes, and tie the back. "There. Happy?" I say in annoyance, frowning.

"That's a good girl."

"Whatever," I mutter. He chuckles, pissing me off more. I just lost my job and he's laughing.


Pushing us up and off the couch, his hands drop down to my waist, leading me back out of the room. "Where are you taking me?"

"Would you shut up, and stop being so damn difficult."

"I just lost my job, Nic!" I shout at him. He wasn't understanding how serious this was. He crossed the line. This wasn't funny in the slightest. He knows I need this job.

When I feel a cool breeze brush skin, indicating that we are outside, I abruptly stop in my tracks. "Wait, why are we outside? I haven't changed clothes!"

He huffs behind me, removing his hands. I hear him unbuttoning his shirt, and then warmth is being wrapped around my body. Shooting out a hand, I rake my fingers over his bare chest.

His hands are on my waist again, and then he's whipping me around. My hands fall at my sides. "No more excuses. Let's go."

"But what if I don't want anyone looking at you? At whats mine?"

"You're going to have to deal with it for now, princess. Watch your step," he warns. Cautiously taking a step, sounds of cars whooshing past fill my ears.

I stumble back into Niccolo's chest, afraid of being run over. "Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you."

Trusting him, I let him lead me across the street. I have no idea where he's taking me, and my feet are starting to hurt in these heels. I almost voice my complaint, but hold my tongue.

"Almost there," he says after a couple steps. "And... here we are," he says, stopping us. Darkness disappears as he reaches up to remove the blindfold from my eyes.

I squint my eyes from the brightness of the baby blue sky, and the golden-yellow sun shining down on me. I blink my eyes to adjust, staring up at an unfamiliar building.

"What are we doing here?" I look around, spotting the nightclub across the street. I turn my attention back to the nice, beige, building standing tall before me.

"I bought the building a few days ago, and now it's yours. So you can finally follow your dreams."

"Wait," I say shaking my head in bewilderment. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I turn around to face him, my lips curving up into a hopeful, excited smile. "Is this my dance studio?"

He nods. "I know you said you wanted to be the one to pay for it, but-"

Ignoring him, I throw my arms over his shoulder and crash my lips onto his. He kisses me back with equal passion, his hand roaming up my back, and his fingers curling around the back of my neck.

Pulling back to catch a breath, I jump and down, squealing with sheer excitement. "Oh my gosh! I can't believe you did this for me!" I give his lips another appreciative kiss. "I love you so much!"

"I love you too, princess," he says, grinning down at me. "Now, come on." Intertwining his fingers with mine, he tugs me towards the entrance. "Let's go see what the inside looks like."

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