Chapter 3

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Niccolo's POV
I've been watching her all night. Ever since she stepped foot in my club I have not been able to keep my eyes off her. I have two women on my lap begging me to fuck them, but I've lost interest.

My mind is elsewhere. All my attention is on her. Her in that tight little dress, teasing me with every painfully long stride she takes.

Her long auburn curls cascade down the curve of her back, the urge to pull it while fucking her from behind filling my mind.

I watched her flirt with the bartender, disappear into the women's bathroom with him and come back out minutes later.

It wasn't hard to infer what they had been doing in the bathroom of my club. I don't know why, but I really wanted to put a bullet in his head.

And I would have too, but Marcellius won't allow it. He's such a damn dad. He's always ruining the mood with his boring ass morals.

As I watched her walk out of the bathroom with a unsatisfied look on her face, I knew that he had failed to do his job. There was no look of bliss or ecstasy on her pretty little face. Instead, she looked sexually frustrated and annoyed.

I watched her leave the club disappointed, drunk, and regretting whatever the hell happened in that bathroom. It brought a smile to my face knowing that the outcome would have been very different had it been me in there instead of his weak ass.

She would not have been able to simply walk out of that bathroom. I would have fucked her so hard that she'd have no choice but to crawl on her stomach.

"Mr. Fierri baby..." The blonde on my lap runs her manicured French tips down my chest. She bites her lip before leaning in to plant kisses along my jaw and neck.

I push her off. As her boss, she knew better than to address me as anything other than Niccolo. Unlike my brother, I hated being addressed as Mr. Fierri. It makes me feel old and reminds me too much of my father. And besides having his temper- I was neither. "You're fired."

Her hands are flailing in the air as her ass comes in contact with the tiled flooring with a thud. She looks up at me with confusion wondering what she did wrong.

Marcellius would probably kill me for firing her without his permission, but at the moment I didn't give a rat's ass. "You and your lopsided breast implants can get the fuck out of my club."

She scoffs in disbelief, standing to her feet. She doesn't bother pulling down her dress, so her ass is completely exposed to me as she walks away. Her panties were in my pocket, and she wasn't getting them back.

Glaring at the brunette on my lap, she stands up and walks away, catching the memo. I was no longer in the mood to deal with the strippers here.

I wanted her and her alone. I wanted to watch her face contort in pleasure while I teased her little pussy with my cock. I wanted her screaming and begging me to put it in.


Just thinking about it makes my cock hard. I'm starting to regret firing the plastic barbie. She was always good at taking what I give her. Oh well.

Standing to my feet, I pick up my glass of whiskey and down the rest, before handing it to the waitress that passed by me.

"Nic." I whip around at the sound of Marcellius' stern voice. He sounds so much like father. Sometimes it takes me back to a dark place in my life when I was younger and father was training me to kill. It's a topic I've been trying hard to forget.

Shaking my head, I push the thought of my haunting dark past aside and look up at my brother. "Why is Karly leaving?"

It hasn't even been a minute and my brother already knows. I knew it had to do something with the staff. They kiss his ass like a bunch of dogs begging for a bone. Which pisses me off.

I roll my eyes. "I fired her."


"She said something I didn't like. Besides, she was beginning to be a bore." I cross my arms over my chest with a shrug.

I could tell Marcellius wanted to scold me like a damn toddler, but held back.

Smart choice.

I was in a fighting mood.

His wife, Mia, has been getting on him about being too bossy. The girl was alright. She's tolerable. As for their kids, I want to throw their ass in the trash. I can't stand children, especially hers. They frolic around like little bunny rabbits and are always getting into my shit.

I don't understand how Marcellius can be so pussy whipped. First Selene, and now Mia. I'm getting sick and tired of the spawns he cares so much about. They are little demons that lure you in with their cuteness before devouring you whole.

God, I hate children.

And then her ass has the nerve to be pregnant again. This better be the fourth and final child, because if not- I'm dropping them off at an orphanage.

"Just talk to me first Nic." He combs a hand through his hair with a sigh. "She was one of our most popular strippers."
She wasn't all that. She couldn't twerk for shit with her flat ass. "You're so fucking lucky that we hired someone new yesterday."

I shift, hearing that someone knew would be joining the Fallen Angels. Cesare and I have slept with every stripper here. We received consent, of course. We've even shared a few. They've all been ran through at least once, so I'm excited to see a new face.

"Is she any good?"

"Well, we haven't met her yet. Julia was the one who hired her." Of course it was fucking Julia. She has been in charge of hiring all the staff since we first opened.

And never once, has she hired a stripper who can actually dance. I don't know why we haven't fired her yet.

"I think I might still have a picture from the resume she sent me." Marcellius reaches into the inner jacket of his suit and pulls out his phone. He opens up to the resume that was sent to him electronically.

My eyes widen when I see who it is. It's her. I recognize that smoky red hair, freckles, and hazel doe eyes. "What's her name?"

"Autumn Jacobs."

Autumn Jacobs.

I like the way her name rolls off my tongue like rich milk chocolate. A devilish grin forces its way onto my lips. There wasn't a doubt in my mind that she will be mine.

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