Chapter 20

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I was still at the Fierri's house by the evening. I hung out with Luciano, Cesare, and the guy I met at the nightclub named Aloi.

We played pool, and I schooled them in Call of Duty. I also spent time with Mama Fierri. She offered to teach me how to cook. She showed me how to properly chop vegetables for a Chicken Noodle soup we made.

My first attempt was horrible and I ended up cutting my finger. It wasn't too bad that it would need stitches, but it was a bad enough that it had to be bandaged and wrapped to stop the bleeding.

By the second time around, I was getting the hang of it. We placed the cut up vegetables into the pot of steaming hot water and watched it boil down.

"You want to make sure you stir occasionally so the noodles don't stick to the pot."

Mama Fierri hands me the soup spoon and I do as she says, occasionally checking the pot and stirring when needed. "This smells amazing."

"You're doing so well cara(dear). Keep it up and you'll be better than me."

I laugh at that. "I highly doubt it, but thank you for the compliment."

She laughs as well.

Once the soup and bread rolls are done, I help Mama Fierri set the table. She gives me a high five and everyone starts flooding in to eat. All except Niccolo of course.

Maybe I should check up on him, bring him some soup. What am I thinking? I shouldn't do anything. If he's hungry he'll come out to eat right? Ugh, I can't decide.

I don't know why I want to help him, but I do. Maybe it's because I feel bad, and the compassionate part of me can't handle the idea of not being able to help in any way I can. I'd want someone to do the same for me.

Daimon and Isabel wave at me as they climb into their seats, tearing me from my thoughts. They are so adorable. I spent a little time with them as well.

They are masters at the game of hide and seek. I started to panic on the inside when I couldn't find Isabel for over an hour. It turns out she and her brother like to hide in cabinets.

I spoke with the oldest, Miko. He reminds me so much of his dad, but with an actual sense of humor.

"Autumn, why don't you go take this to Niccolo. I'm sure he's hungry."

I turn to face Mama Fierri, and take the bowl of soup from her hands. "Uh, are you sure? He'd probably prefer to see one of his brothers take it to him instead."

She shakes her head. "I know my son," is all she says, which makes me even more nervous.

She nudges me forward with a smile. Turning back around, I make my way towards Niccolo's room.

I should not be doing this. Especially when I know he'd probably find humor in my serving him like a housewife from the fifties.

Balling my hand into a fist, I give his door a soft knock.

There's no response.

So I knock again and wait a few more minutes. When he still doesn't respond, I turn to leave. Just as I ready myself to return back to the dining room, the door is flung open.

I pause where I stand, before cautiously turning back around to face him so I don't spill the soup all over the floor.

My eyes immediately take in his tattoos and muscular build. He must of been about to take a shower, because he's standing before me in a towel that hangs dangerously low off his hips. My cheeks heat up, my mouth going dry.

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