Chapter 32

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One year later (Epilogue pt. 1)
Tracing the tip of my index finger over the tattoo located above his pelvic bone, I lean in and plant a gentle kiss on his skin. He stirs awake, his eyes slowly opening.

Shifting my body, so I'm on top of him, I begin trailing kisses down the line of his chiseled jaw, the stubble on his chin tickling my face.

"What are you doing?" He asks, his voice full of sleep.

"Trying to get you in the mood," I reply, kissing down his neck and torso. Reaching his abs, I lick his salty skin, leaving behind a faint glistening wet trail.

Pulling out his erection, I press my lips to the tip. His twitches between my fingers. Bringing my hand up and down the length, I part my lips and take him into my mouth.

He rests his hand on my head, pushing my head down further on his length. I watch the way his breathing becomes ragged, grunt after grunt after grunt spilling past his plump lips.

Swirling my tongue over the tip, I lick up and down, gently grazing my teeth on his length in the process.

"Uncle Nic! Uncle Nic!"

A child's voice bolts me into action. I cover our naked bodies, peeking my head out the sheets and comforter. Little footsteps thunder into our room, Daimon and his littler sister Isabel bursting into the room.

"Don't you two know how to knock?" Niccolo complains with a groan. It's when they start climbing into the bed with us that Niccolo grows angry. Shoving them out of the bed, they start thinking it's a game, their giggles filling the air.

Laughing along with them, Niccolo glares at me, his brows furrowed, and a frown etched into his annoyed features.

Fixing his boxers, he slips out of covers, grabbing each child and tucking them under his arm. They wiggle and giggle under him as he carries them out of the room.

"Marcel! Come get your damn spawns!"

Slipping on the silk gown Niccolo tore off me last night, I get out of bed and follow him into the hallway.

The door to Marcellius and Mia's room opens, and out comes Mia with Christiano in her arms. She trudges over, exhaustion evident under his eyes.

"Marcel isn't here. He left for his morning workout not to long ago." Niccolo sets the energetic little children down, and they run to their mother's side. "I'm sorry if they caused you two any trouble." Her eyes skim over our attire.

"Yeah, yeah," Niccolo waves dissmively.
"Just keep them out of my room."

Mia rolls her eyes, grinning at me knowingly. A blush heats my cheeks, as she turns around and ushers her kids to follow her.

Returning to our room, Niccolo kicks the door closed, and hungrily pins me to the bed. Staring up at him, I snake my arms around his neck, playing in his hair.

"Is that how you're going to treat our children?" I joke with a chuckle.

"Children?" He scoffs. "I don't want any."

"Oh..." I swallow the lump in my throat.

He stares down at me, noticing the sudden change in my mood. "What?"

"I was going to wait and surprise you, but... um... I'm pregnant."

He pushes himself off me, opening the door and slamming it behind him, as he walks away. It's not how I planned to tell him. I had a cute little idea planned, and now it's ruined.

Especially now that I've learned he never wanted children. Sitting up, I drop my face into my hands. Sighing heavily, my chest tightens and burning hot tears roll down my cheeks.

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