Chapter 8

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A month later
I hate him. I hate Niccolo Fierri. He's constantly hovering over me. And for some damn reason he feels the need to criticize every little thing I do.

I can't even breathe without him glaring at me, or insulting me. Apparently, he does this to all the new recruits. But Jess told me it only lasts a few days. It's been an entire month!

He's the only one of my bosses who just won't seem to leave me alone. Cesare and I were able to get back on good terms. But that was only after he offered me ten thousand dollars.

I'm not a gold digger, but I have bills to pay. So yes, I did accept that money. And I accepted it proudly.

A man in the front row shoves wrinkled dollar bills into my bra, while another watches me shake my ass in the air.


Stopping my performance, I look over to see none other than Niccolo. His arms are crossed over his chest and he looks pissed, as usual.

His thick brows are furrowed and he kind of looks like his older brother. Both of them always seem to have this permanent frown on their face. And I kind of find it hot.

Hopping down from the stage, I walk over to Niccolo with my hands on my hips. "What do you want?" I snap.

"Lose the attitude, princess," he seethes.

I roll my eyes at the nickname. "Whatever," I mutter.

That seems to send him over the edge, because he grabs my arm and tugs me away from view. I'm pulled through the "Employees only" door, the hallway dim and empty.

He presses himself against me, forcibly backing me into the wall behind me. I let out a grunt, frowning up at him.

He slams a hand down onto the wall beside my head. I remain still, unfazed by his aggressive behavior. It's nothing new to me. He's just a big baby throwing a temper tantrum.

"I hate you, you know that?"

"The feeling is mutual, pretty boy." I roll my eyes once more and turn the other cheek.

Niccolo reaches up and grips my chin, forcing me to look him in the eye. His gaze is heavy, malicious, and quite frankly, sexy as all hell.

"Why did you have to go and fuck him?" He says suddenly, catching me completely off guard. His jaw is clenched tightly, and he looks like he's trying to determine whether he should kill me or not.

"What are you talking about?"

He slams his hand down on the wall again.

"Nic," I say firmly, causing him to snap his eyes up to me. His hazel eyes are filled with rage. He looks like he's in a battle with his own demons.

I was still confused about who he was talking about. I haven't slept with anyone since-
A light bulb seems to go off in my head and then I remember. Ethan.

I wouldn't necessarily count our time together in the bathroom as "fucking" because he lasted all of five seconds and I didn't even get the release I wanted.


"How do you know about that?" I question, both brows raised.

"I saw you that day. I saw you with him," he growls out in anger. He keeps saying "him" like he's an infectious disease, or Satan himself.

"What the hell does my sex life have to do with you?" I retort.

Using his hand, he grabs a fist full of my hair and yanks my head back. I let out whimper. It actually hurts. He's pulling so hard that I'm actually afraid he'll rip my hair from its scalp.

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