Chapter 25

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I awoke to an even darker room than before. It was pitch black, my eyes unable to adjust to the silent darkness that engulfed me.

I was still tied up, except this time I was in a chair centered on a platform in the middle of a room, and I had been stripped down to my underwear. That bastard took my clothes.

The darkness quickly turns into light, causing me to squint from the sudden change. Lights shine down on me like a spotlight, keeping the rest of the room around me dark. I make note of the tinted windows on each wall.

What the hell is this place?

A voice booms through a hidden speaker, echoing throughout the bland, empty room. "Stand up number 145."

I didn't understand why the male's voice was referring to me as a number, until I looked down to see those three numbers written in permanent marker on the front of my thigh.

I was being auctioned off. Which means, there are men sitting behind each glass examining my body to determine if I'm worth their money.

Staggering to my feet, the man's voice booms a send time through the other end of the speaker. "Stand still. Move, and you'll face the consequences."

Afraid, I stand as still as a statue. Ten minutes feel like an hour, my bones aching and exhausted. I want so badly to sit down, but I'm far more afraid of what they'd do to me if I disobeyed.

I begin to sway, growing tired. I almost collapse to the ground, but wake up when I hear the man's voice. "Sold," is all he says.

The lights cut off and I'm embraced by darkness again. A door opening provides a small pocket of light into the room. A dark figure appears in the doorway. "Let's go," they bark.

Stepping down from the platform, I waddle towards the light. A manly hand reaches out to grab me, aggressively tugging me down a plain white hallway.

I don't know who the man is, and I'm far too exhausted to focus on his features. All I know is that I need to find a way out of here.

I drop my head, dragging my feet. I'm brought into another room, my head still hung low in exhaustion and defeat.

"Here you are sir. One whore for two-hundred and fifty thousand dollars."

The man shoves me in the direction of a bald, fat man with black, beady alien-like eyes. He gropes my ass, and smiles his large, yellow teeth at me. "You're even more beautiful in person." I cringe. "You're going to make me a rich man."

Suddenly, a gunshot goes off and the man drops to the floor. I jolt back, staring down at his lifeless body. Blood pools around him, his eyes wide open, and a hole in his head.

That signature.

It can't be.

Could it be?

I'm trembling, refusing to look up until he says, "princess," confirming what I'd hoped to be true.

My head jerks up to him, hearing the low sound of his familar voice. "N-Niccolo?" I stutter, blinking repeatedly to register that this isn't a dream, but indeed real.

He cocks his head, a smirk on his face. "I told you I'd put a bullet in their head, before I let anyone else have you."

It is him!

My legs give out under me, but before I hit the floor, a pair of strong arms catch me. I'm lifted into the air and carried out of the building bridal style.

"You scared the shit out of me," he mumbles softly. "Rest now. I got you."

There's a smile on my face as I snuggle into the warmth radiating off him. Inhaling his scent, I close my eyes, letting the sleep I've been trying to fight all night finally pull me in.

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