Chapter 33

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Another year later (Epilogue pt. 2)
"One-two step, one-two step." My eyes skim over all the dancers in my studio, watching them move to the beat of the music, following every step of the choreography I created. "Good," I say, nodding in approval just as the song comes to an end. "I am so proud of all of you. I can't wait to do this again next week. Class dismissed."

Waving and smiling, one of the dancers walking by points to someone behind me. "Your fine ass husband is here." I turn on my heel, Niccolo walking in with our son Nicco in his arms. "Whew chile, you're so lucky," she shakes her head. "I'd let that man destroy me."

I just laugh, smile, and wave her off goodbye. She's still mumbling something about him being so fine as she walks out of the door.

No matter how possessive I am of him, I've gotten use to all the looks and comments. Overtime, I've found them to be flattering. I mean I am lucky, aren't I?

Niccolo pays her no mind, focused on me. He leans in to kiss my lips, before handing me Nicco. Kissing all over my baby's face, he giggles and smiles, his hazel eyes lighting up, and his reddish-brown curls bouncing.

"How's my princess?"

"Great," I reply with a wide smile.

"I wasn't talking to you." He bends down and kisses at my pregnant belly. "I was talking to daddy's bambino(baby)."

I pout, my hands on my hips. "I thought I was your princess?"

Returning to his full six foot three height, he plants a nurturing kiss on my forehead. "No, not anymore. Alina has taken your place. Now, you're my wife, my queen." Melting into him, I steal a kiss.

Niccolo's phone rings, and he pulls back. Disappointed by the loss of warmth, I watch him answer his phone.

"Ciao fratello(hello brother)."

I can't hear what his brother is saying on the other end, but from his furrowed brows, thin lipped frown, and the way he grips his phone until his knuckles turn white, whatever it is must be serious.

"Sí. Saremo subito sopra(Yes. We will be right over)."

Niccolo hangs up the phone, slipping the device into his back pocket. "What's going on?"

"It's Sin. He's dead."


When Niccolo told me that Sin was dead I didn't know how to react. I didn't know if I was happy, relieved, angry, or feeling mournful.

I was none of those.

I remained stoic, unnerved by the news. He was jumped and murdered with a homemade shank. He was stabbed repeatedly, left to bleed out alone and cold.

Even with this news I still felt nothing. He killed a dear friend of mine, kidnapped me to be auctioned off, and now-now he's dead.

In my mind, he'd found a way to escape his responsibility, which was to serve his much deserved time in prison. He wasn't supposed to die.

He was supposed to rot behind bars where he'll have no choice but to think about what's he done, especially to Jess. Once again, Sin had gotten away scott free without having to atone for his crimes.

I averted my gaze from the TV screen, not wanting to watch more. "Turn it off," I muttered, grinding my teeth. I was done. I was done hearing his name, and especially done seeing his face.

Niccolo shut off the TV, and returned to my side. "I know it's not what you wanted to hear, but it's over." He smoothed a hand over my back to comfort me.

He was right. It's over. Sin's death isn't what I pictured in terms of justice, but now he won't be roaming the streets of New York and causing chaos anymore.

"Dai(come)," he says, kissing my temple. "I'm making my famous Pizza. It will be ready by the time you're done with your bath."

He's gently pushing me down the hall. "What about Nicco? I still have to feed him, give him a bath, and-"

He presses his index finger to my lips. "Relax. His nonna(grandmother) is taking good care of him, so I can take good care of you. Now, go bathe."

I love him so much.

After soaking in a warm bath, I brush out the frizz in my damp hair, and pull it up into a bun. Once I've gotten dressed, I rejoin everyone in the dining room.

Niccolo's freshly made Pizza is placed in the center, everyone gathering around the table with hungry eyes. "Who would like to say grace?" Mama Fierri asks, holding out her hands.

Isabel's baby fingers shoot up into the air. "Me! Me! I wanna say grace nonna(grandmother)!" She's standing up in her chair, leaned over the table.

Mama Fierri smiles, nodding at her. Mia whispers in her daughter's ear, probably telling her what to say. She's says this adorable little prayer both in English and Italian, resulting in everyone awe-ing and clapping.

"Alright!" Cesare shouts, clasping his hands together. "Let's dig in!"

I sat there with a smile on my face, grateful to finally have the family I always dreamed of. A family filled with the utmost love and happiness. It's a shame my parents wouldn't be apart of this, but it's for the best.

"You okay?" Niccolo asks beside me.

He must of noticed that I hadn't touched my plate, which was uncommon when it came to my love for food, especially when it was made my him.

"Yeah. I'm just happy." Cupping his cheek, I run my fingers through his growing beard. "I love you bebé(baby)."

He leans into my touch, a smile pulling at his lips. "I love you too, little bird."

The doorbell rings, drawing our attention away from one another. Luciano's the one to go and answer the door. When he returns, my sister and her husband are tailing behind him.

"Gabby? What are you doing here?" I thought her and Zayne were going to be spending the evening with mom and dad. I made the choice of not going. And I don't regret it.

She shrugs. "Nic invited us. And... I decided it was time we departed from them as well." I smiled. I was proud of her for that. It was time we took control of our own lives and our own dreams.

Our children shouldn't have to grow up feeling the way our parents made us feel. They deserve better, and will receive better.

"Well, sit, sit. You are family too," Mama Fierri says, motioning them with a wave of her hands. My smile grew wider seeing Gabby and Zayne join us at the table. Family. I finally had a family I could be proud of.

Later that night, once dinner had ended, and everyone was fast asleep, I checked up on my son. He lay in his crib with a blue pacifier in his mouth, swaddled in his baby blanket, and his arms snuggled around his lamb plushie.

He was a tiny little thing. Just an innocent, beautiful ball of love. He was beginning to look more and more like his father everyday. Caressing his puffy cheeks with my finger, arms snaked around my waist.

I glanced up at Niccolo, his hands resting on my stomach. He kissed at my neck, causing me to giggle. Bringing my hand up to his face, I slide my hand down the side of his face.

"You know I love you right?" He murmured into my skin.

"Yes, why?"

He growls lowly, nibbling at my shoulder. "Because when I'm done with you," he breathes, dipping his hand down between my thighs. "You're going to be reminded of why you hated me."

Moaning at the feel of his finger slipping down into my panties, I close my eyes. He circles my bud, heat taking root. "Oh?" I question, licking and biting my lip with excitement.

"Let's make a deal." He brings his lips back up my neck, kissing behind my ear.

I let out another soft, silent moan. "I'm listening."

"Whoever wakes the baby first has to be on diaper duty for a week."

Leaning on the crib, I swallow the moan trying to surface when our son begins shifting in his sleep. "You're on," I whisper.

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