Chapter 16

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Autumn's POV
I stood under the warm water of my shower with my vibrator pressed between my legs. Water combs through my curls, cascading down my bare back.

I grip the wall to steady myself, my legs shuddering as I look down at the shower floor and moan Niccolo's name. He's all I've been thinking about since last night in that private room on the couch. He's in my head when I fall asleep and when I awake.

This attraction I have towards him hasn't changed my feelings. He's still an asshole, and I still hate him. He's a bully, a jerk, and he's still the owner of the apartment I'm living in.

Which means, he owns me. Unlesss... a light bulb seems to go off in my head. Unless I move out.

I don't necessarily have anywhere else to go besides my parents house or my sister's house. And I don't want to live with either.

I let out another moan, my moans of pleasure muffled by the water spraying down my bare body. I can feel my release teetering on the edge.

"Fuck... me... Niccolo!" I say, breathlessly shouting at nothing. Finally reaching my release, I hum to myself, my breathing labored as the ache subsides.

Turning off the toy, I set it down on the edge of the tub, turn off the shower, and step out to grab my towel.

Wrapping it securely around my body, I exit the bathroom to get changed for the day. Mom and dad haven't spoken to me since I embarrassed them at their party the other day. So it was weird when they called me out of the blue.

They called me last night when I got home from working asking me to meet them at their house tomorrow morning. They want to talk. And I don't have anything I want to say to them, so I'm not going.

Gabby's been blowing up my phone and begging me to attend, but I refuse. She wants me to give them another chance, but I see no reason too. They haven't showed me that they deserve my respect, my attention, or my forgiveness.

Maintaining my distance from their toxicity is exactly what I need, while I distract myself with a different, slightly more pleasurable kind of toxicity.

My hand is on the door knob of my room when I hear a sudden clink noise coming from within the living room.

Turning the knob, I crack open the door and grab the baseball bat I keep leaned against my wall for protection. Slowly shutting the door, I tip toe into the living with the bat raised.

I ready myself to swing, but am only able to let out a horrified shriek when I see who the intruder is. I jolt back, the bat still gripped tightly in my hands.

"What the- Cesare!?"

I lower the bat, seeing him sitting on the couch with a bowl of my Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal in his hands.

He gives me a smile as he tilts his head, strands of hair leaning to the side. He shoves a spoonful of cereal into his mouth, amused by the utter fear pouring out of me.

"I would've preferred it to have been my name you were screaming while you came on that little pink toy you keep in the drawer of your nightstand."

I chew at my lip, trying to hide the crimson red blush painting my cheeks with warmth.

A frown is quickly replaced when I realize he knows what color and where my sex toy is located. "How did you get in here? And how many times have you been here?"

"I made a copy of Niccolo's key when he was out at the club last night." Another blush finds its way to my cheeks, remembering that he was with me last night. "This is my third time being here. Don't worry, I only eat your food and occasionally explore your room."

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