Chapter 6

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"Oh my gosh, I can't believe you just did that," Jess says, shaking her head in disbelief.

I didn't know she saw me flip off that asshole. And I didn't think it was a big deal. But from the way she looks shocked and oddly scared, I'd say that it must've been a big deal.

"It was nothing," I tell her with a shrug, making my way down the set of black steps.

"What do you mean nothing?" She snaps back in astonishment. She couldn't believe I wasn't as freaked out as her. I just didn't see what the issue was. He was rude to me, and I don't regret what I did not one bit.

"Why? Is he a regular client or something?"

She stops walking to grab my arms and whip me around to face her. "Girl, do you have a death wish or something?" I don't answer with the assumption that it was a rhetorical question. "That's Niccolo," she continues. "Niccolo motherfucking Fierri!" She finishes, emphasizing and drawing out each word of his name.

It takes a second to register this information, a second longer than it should have. My eyes widen when the realization hits me.

He's a Fierri!

Which makes him my... boss!

Why hadn't I noticed before? Not only does he look just like Marcellius, but his accent should have been a dead give away. Jess seeing the realization on my face gives me this, "good luck girl," her attention shifting to someone behind me.

She's quick to bring her gaze down to the floor as she gives my shoulder a comforting squeeze, and walks past me, leaving me along with whoever is standing behind me.

I slowly turn around to see none other than Niccolo himself standing before, or moreso towering over me like a shadow. His jaw is clenched, his teeth bared and the large vein in his neck throbbing.

Oh he's pissed big time.

"You think the shit you did up there was fucking cute, Autumn!?" He growls out angrily.

I raise a single brow. I was not expecting him to know my name. But then again, he's my boss so what did I expect. He probably knew everything about me. From my dysfunctional family to the negative amount in my bank account.

"Nope," I say, popping the P. "But I thought it was sexy and downright hilarious."

He growls at that.

I probably should've turned my attitude down a bit after learning this new information about the asshole before me, but I couldn't help myself. I never can.

Besides, it will only made things more interesting for me. He doesn't scare me anyway, and I find humor in pissing him off.

He reaches out to grab my arm, but I take a step back out of his reach. He frowns. "I should fire your tiny ass."

"So do it," I challenge.

"You talk a lot of shit, princess." His voice lowers to a threatening octave. "I wonder how much more you'll be able to say with my-"


I swivel around in response to hearing my name. My other boss, Marcellius is making his way towards me. He looks handsome as hell in his suit, a hand shoved in his pocket.

Two other men are behind him, the one on the left sporting a playful grin and piercing blue eyes as he combs a hand through his dark brown waves. The other has shoulder length brown curly hair and kind green eyes. They both are beyond attractive with their chiseled jaws and lean build.

Marcellius glances over my shoulder. "I see you met my brother Nic. I hope he hasn't caused you any trouble." His dark brown eyes flicker back to me.

When I realize he's waiting for an answer, I tuck a curl behind my ear and shake my head. "Nothing I can't handle, sir."

"Oh I like her," the one of the left says with a sexy, low chuckle. "You hear that Nic," he says, provoking his brother. "She says she can handle you."

I can. I know I can.

Niccolo is still standing behind me, fumes of heat, penetrating into the back of my head from his deadly gaze.

The pretty boy is all bark and no bite. That claim he made about putting a bullet in my head is laughable. Very laughable. He isn't going to do anything.

I can hear him grumble with annoyance behind me, before I hear his heavy footsteps recede, and he's no longer boring a murderous look into my back.

"Silenzio Cesare(be quiet Cesare)," Marcellius barks in what I assume to be Italian. Cesare snaps his mouth shut. "Apologies, Autumn. I know you still have a couple hours left on your shift, but I thought you might want to meet my brothers, the other owners of the club."

"Sure." My eyes skim over the two men behind him. The one on the right hasn't said a word, unlike the other one. He must not be a talkative kind of guy.

"You already seem to know Niccolo, or Nic is what we call him."

I call him asshole.

He motions to each brother with a hand, skimming from the left to the right of him. "Luciano. Cesare."

Luciano gives me a small wave and an awkward smile. He seems nervous. For what I don't know. Cesare being the less shy brother, steps forward and grabs my hand. He plants a gentle kiss on my knuckles, his thumb slowly caressing my hand in a circular motion. He's definitely the flirty one.

I pull my hand back with a blush, his gaze mischievous and full of danger. I'm going to have to keep an eye out for that one. Just his looks alone tell me he could charm his way into my pants with ease, and possibly leave me wanting more.

"Well, it was nice meeting you all, but I better get back to work." It felt weird considering my job is to give men a lap dance. I was in no actual hurry to grind my ass on a bunch of dusty, cheating men.

But then again, the pockets are deep and I still have rent to pay. So I put a smile on my face and get to work.

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