Chapter 17

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Three days later
Cesare brought me over to his house after informing me that they know of Niccolo's whereabouts. Apparently, he was kidnapped my Vincenzo Sinisi, a rival Mafia leader. I guess they have history dating back generations.

Just as Cesare parks his lemony yellow Camaro, I hop out of the vehicle to take in the large mansion in front of me. This house was amazing. It had absolutely nothing on my parents house.

A bulky Italian man with a buzz cut in black clothing stands near the door. He must be their guard or something. Either way, I'm not getting on his bad side. He looks like he bench presses with sumo wrestlers for a living.

Cesare motions me to follow him inside. We head up the staircase and up onto the porch. Cesare greets the intimidatingly scary looking man. "Hey Rocco. Are my brothers here?"

The man nods. "Sí," he says in Italian before switching to English. "Mr. Fierri just got back from dropping off the little ones at their grandparents house."

"Grazie(thank you)," Cesare says, before the guy named Rocco opens the door us to enter.

Walking into the house, I slip off my shoes and continue following Cesare. He stops in this lounge area where Luciano and an older woman is waiting.

This black and white aesthetic is to die for, I think to myself, my eyes skimming over the spacious area and lavish details.

I bring my attention back to the people before me, my eyes landing onto a petite women with kind eyes and long flowing black hair. She walks over to me, flashing her pearly whites.

"You must be Autumn," she says, her accent even thicker than the guys. "I'm the boys mother, Alina. But you can just call me Mama Fierri."

I wonder how she knows that. Maybe Cesare talks about me, because I know Niccolo wouldn't. I'm not worth a mention, and neither is he.

I can see Niccolo in her gentle eyes. Unlike his, they are welcoming, warm, and not so filled with rage. "Yes," I reply. "It's nice to meet you."

I stick out my hand for her to shake, but she pulls me into a hug instead. I melted into her embrace, not having felt the loving nurture of a parent in a long time. In fact, I don't think my parents have ever held me like this. It's sad really.

When we pull apart, she's staring into my eyes with this sort of knowing look. It's like she knows everything without me ever having to tell her anything. It's both creepy and amazing.

She glances down at my attire then back up at me. "Is that all you brought for the night?" She asks with a questioning brow.

I shake my head. "Oh, no I'm not actually-"

She cuts me off with a wave of her hand and a tsk of her mouth. "Oh mio dio(oh my goodness)," she says in Italian. "You will be staying here tonight. It's far too late for you to be traveling."

It was almost ten at night, but I decided not to argue. I've tried arguing with a Fierri and that hasn't worked out very well. Besides, it sounded more like a demand than a suggestion. So I accepted her offer.

Giving Cesare a sideways glance and nervous smile, he simply gives me a lopsided grin. Based on the lack of reaction from her sons I would say that their mother must be like this all the time.

I like it. I wish my mother were like this. She could've been like this, but instead she chose to be a plastic bitch.

"I'll get your room set up." She smiles at me, before disappearing down a hallway.

I turn my attention to Marcellius and Mia just as they enter from the hallway into the lounge area. Mia looks flushed and out of breath. It wasn't difficult to infer what they had been doing. And truthfully, I was jealous.

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