Chapter 10

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"Oh my gosh, that fucking bastard!"

I stare down at the copy of the contract between my landlord and Niccolo in disbelief. There is no way this is real. It can't be.

"Damn Autumn. What's got you all worked up?" Gabby asks, popping her head into the doorway of my apartment before stepping inside.

I regret giving her a key.

She walks towards me and plops down onto the couch beside me. She glances over my shoulder to read the contract in my hand. "Isn't Niccolo Fierri your boss?" She questions.

"Yes," I frown.

"Why would he-"

"Because he's freaking delusional!" I seethe, cutting her off. I apologize when I realize I've taken my anger out on her by raising my voice.

She wasn't the one I was upset with. My anger should be directed towards Niccolo. But the last two times we've gotten into it, he's always had the upper hand. He's cornered me twice, and choked me once now already.

Although I've gotten aroused by having his fingers around my throat, I've had to wear a turtle neck and my hair down to hide the marks he left on my skin from Gabby and the rest of my family.

It's almost a hundred degrees outside, and it's in the middle of June. I just hope they believe it to be hickies. That's far more believable then telling them my boss held me at gunpoint, or choked me until I could hardly breathe.

"Well, have you spoken to the nice one- Marcellius about it?"

I shake my head. "No, but maybe I should." Setting the paper down, I grab my laptop off the coffee table in front of me and place it onto my lap.

Flipping the laptop open, I type Marcellius' name into the search bar. His name, work number, the club, and couple other things pop up into the results.

I stare at the word, blinking several times to try and register what I'm staring at. Mafia. Clicking on the link that reads: "The Four: The Most Feared Mafia Brothers In All Of New York." I skim over the article, completely forgetting why I even looked up my boss' name.

The article provides me information about this Mafia known as "The Four." My eyes widen when I read over four familiar names. Marcellius, Niccolo, Luciano, and Cesare Fierri.

I skim over another paragraph informing me about their father named Giovanni Fierri. Apparently, he was murdered five years ago in cold blood. And now, Marcellius Fierri, the oldest son has taken on the leadership role.

Unable to stop my eyes from reading the words, I continue well into another paragraph. It talks about Marcellius losing his oldest son, Miko's mother, to a rival Mafia gang four years ago. Damn, that's got to be tough. I see why Marcellius doesn't smile. He's lost a lot.

My eyes zero in on a familiar name. Mia Davis. I remember her. That's his wife from Davis Cafe and Diner. They were so cute together. And she looked like she was about to give birth at any minute.

Scrolling down, the article comes to an end. It doesn't say much else, except about the Fierri's owning Fallen and the club's success in popularity.

If all this information is true, then that explains the gun, the drugs, and the several men in black surrounding the perimeter.

And it might also explain the man Niccolo called, Sin. Maybe he's a business partner, or someone who's also in the Mafia. I shudder at the thought. That makes him ten times scarier now.

Gabby must have been reading as well, because when I look up and over at her, her eyes are so wide that they look like they're going to pop out of its socket.

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