Chapter 29

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After fixing up the makeup and hair Niccolo ruined in the bathroom about ten minutes ago, I closed my locker and joined Niccolo outside to head over to the Fierri mansion.

I hopped into the passenger's side of Niccolo's black Maserati, buckling myself in. "Do you know why your brother wants us to meet him at your house?"

Niccolo pulls out into the road. "Sin was arrested tonight. I didn't find out until a few minutes ago."

Pulling into the driveway of the mansion, Niccolo parks the car. Exiting the vehicle, my phone chimes in my pocket. Grabbing my phone, I look down at the screen to see a text from my sister.

Gabby: I haven't heard from you in awhile. Just wanted to know if you're alive.

When I decided to cut my family out of my life I never thought it would include Gabby. She didn't do anything wrong, but I felt it was necessary in order for me to focus on myself.

I can't move forward with my family constantly trying to hold me back. I've had enough of being held down by my past. Everytime I see them it reminds me of all the pain they caused. I just can't do it anymore.

I'm contemplating responding. I don't know if I want to enter that world again. But I do miss my sister. I miss her very much, and it hasn't even been a month.

After a few seconds, I decide to ignore her text. Slipping my phone back into my pocket, I follow Niccolo up the steps and into the house.

Marcellius, Luciano, and Cesare are camped out in the lounge area. Marecllius stands in front of the fireplace with a remote in his hand, and his attention focused on the flat screen TV mounted on the wall.

The news Channel is on. I zero in on Sin who's being escorted out of his home and shoved into police car. The scene changes and a male news reporter is speaking. The headline below reads: "Mafia leader, Vincenzo Sinisi brought down my a sex trafficking bust."

The scene changes again, and Sin is now wearing an orange jumpsuit, his wrists cuffed and an unbothered expression on his wrinkled face.

He's being thrown into prison to await trial, and he doesn't look fazed. I mean, the bastard has the nerve to smile into the camera. The way he's staring so deeply into the camera makes me feel like he knows I'm watching him. It scares me. He scares me.

"How did you manage this?" I ask Marcellius.

"Marcel is friends with the chief of police, as well as the Judge for Sin's trial. He's not known as the boss for nothing," Cesare cuts in.

Jess comes to mind. What Sin put her through, her death, her eight year old daughter now motherless. I feel like someone is strangling my heart because of how much my chest hurts. She didn't deserve what happened to her. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't be standing here.

"What about Jess?" I ask. "Will Sin be put on trial for what he did to her?"

Luciano's the one to answer this time. "I'm sorry, but no. Police weren't able to find evidence that Sin and his men were behind her murder."

This was the most heartbreaking news I've ever heard. I was angry, hurt, and wanting to wipe that stupid ass smile off Sin's face. This isn't fair. He killed her in cold blood and yet, he gets away with it scott free, fooling everyone including Jess' family.

I find myself growing angrier by the minute, as I fight back tears. "Is there nothing you can do?"

They were suppose to be the most powerful men in all of New York. They have riches, power, connections, and respect. There has to be something they can do, so Jess' death doesn't go in vain.

They can sense the worry, anger, and desperation in my voice. "We are working on it," Marcellius says calmly. "We will keep you updated, but as of right now, go home and get some rest."

"But I don't want to rest!" I snap. "I want Sin to pay for what he did!" I'm crying now, tears burning my eyes as they stream down my face.

Someone snakes their arm around my waist, pulling me into their chest. I know right away who it is by the scent that fills my nostrils. Niccolo. "Calm down Autumn," he whispers.

Swiveling around, I snuggle my face into the softness of his shirt. His fingers brush down my hair in a comforting manner. "Can I stay with you for the night?"

"Sí(yes), come on." Holding me close, he leads me out of the room, down the hallway and into his bedroom.

Removing my clothes, climb into the bed, and slip down into the warmth of his sheets, tugging the blanket over my body. Walking around to the other side, he strips down into his boxers and joins my side.

Resting my chin on his chest, I look up at him. "I'm sorry I got upset like that. I know you guys are doing your best."

He gently strokes the hair on top of my head. "It's okay, princess. They're used to it." I could tell by the way he stared off into the distance that he was talking about himself. "My brothers have seen me at my best, and at my worst. Especially at my worst."

"I'm glad you have brothers that care about you, about your wellbeing. My sister is like that. She's become like the mother I wished I had."

The smile on my face fades. I should text her back. She has no idea what's been going on in my life. I couldn't been trafficked and would have never seen her again. I should let her know how I'm doing.

Rolling over, I lean less than half my body off the bed to dig around my pockets for my phone. Once in hand, I pull up my sister's text message and stare at it for awhile.

"Text her," Niccolo says from behind me. "She's your family." I hadn't told him of my current family issues, but I guess he picked up on my lack of playful bantering and figured something was up.

I send my sister a quick text.

Me: Let's catch up at the Cafe tomorrow.

Gabby replies in less than a minute with a thumbs up emoji, and I set my phone down on the nightstand.

Rolling back into my original position, I plant a kiss on Niccolo's chest. "I never pegged you as a family man." I kiss him again.

"You didn't think I could cook either. It's clear you think very little of me, princess."

"I did," I say honestly. "You were such an asshole. And sometimes still are."

"And you still fell for me," he counters.

I smile at that. I must be insane for falling in love with not only a man I've known for month, but a crazy one at that.

I've never met anyone even close to matching my level of crazy, and here I am snuggled up next to Niccolo Fierri. The erratic, possessive Italian who's member of a Mafia. A damn Mafia. It doesn't get any more insane than that.

"I love you Niccolo Fierri," I mumble into his skin sleepily. I don't know if he said anything after that because soon after I said those three words, sleep took over.

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