Story telling (Part - II)

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" Later what happened ? ", Abhi got more curious.

" Later, they decided to make Dhritarashtra as king which Satyavati was against but after Pandu was assigned as general and Vidura was assigned as Mantri , Vidura to follow the rules stated that 'Dhritarashtra was not supposed to be king as per Shastra's even if he has a great talent'.  Later Pandu was given the throne and the eldest was happy yet sad. A king needs a Queen. Thus, for King Pandu to get married, Dhritarashtra must get married first. Satyavati made Bhishma to make alliance with Gandhar kingdom and asks for Princess Gandhari's hand for his grandson or to wage war against them ", Duryodhana said.

" Why does Satyavati makes it hard for those prince to live? What's wrong if the younger gets married first? It's true king needs eyes to view the kingdom but they could have given some status to Dhritarashtra. At least they  could have given the title of General to him, he was an experienced fighter.", Abhi said.

"  Zahra, ruling a kingdom needs power. A strong force, alliances, and backup. They are politics, a double edged,  sharp, venomous sword.  Both sides forces will be there the much they push to the opposite they get wounded to.", Duryodhana said.

" Hm... So how did Gandhar reply to the alliance? "

" Later when the news reached Gandhar , they were in a dilemma. Princess Gandhari is apple of their eye. She was loved so much by her brother. A girl who was afraid of darkness. But she was the light for the whole kingdom. When Gandhari came to know the news she reluctantly agreed to the marriage as she doesn't want a war to be fought against their kingdom. Her brother tried to change her decision but all went in vain. When she came to know the person she was going to marry she decided to follow his path. She masked her eyes. The one who was afraid of darkness made her life a dark hollow. She was married, but Dhritarashtra made her life worse. Shakuni couldn't do anything , he was helpless and he took oath to destroy the whole aryavata.", said the person who was listening to them.

Duryodhana and Abhinaya saw Balarama standing there.

" Pranipat ( form of greeting) Guru dev", Duryodhana said.

" Balu Mama", Abhi said.

Balaram greeted the both and sat with them.

" Guru dev, did really mama shri did everything for revenge", he asked.

" You are mere pawns in his game , Duryodhana. " he replied.

"  Later what happened Balu Mama? ", the little one asked.

" Later...", he was stopped by a voice.

" Maharaja,   Maharani Revati is asking for you? ", a maid said.

" Well you guys continue. I will join later", he said and bid his fare well.

" I never imagined Mama shri did everything for revenge. ",  Duryodhana said.

" He had a reason Suyo but that was not a strong one.", Abhi replied.

" May be I should look more into this? ", he said.

" Later Suyo , tell me what happened next?", she asked.

" Maharaj Pandu went to Kuntibojan for swayamvar of Princess Kunti. Pandu won the swayamvar and married her. After two days of marriage he went for a war. And he returned with his second wife, Princess Madri.", he said.

" Suyo, Mata Kunti must have dejected. Which idiotic husband leaves his newly wedded wife behind and go for a war? ", she said with a pout.

" Well , they thought everything where back to normal but one day when Pandu went hunting with his wife he killed a deer for his younger wife but it turned out to be a rishi and he was cursed. Thus he left the kingdom making Dhritarashtra the acting king and went to the forest with his wives. Gandhari became pregnant , on the other side Kunti used the boom she got to have a child. Kunti and Pandu were blessed with Yudishtar, the hier to the throne. But even after two years Gandhari didn't undergo labor. But when she did , all she had was flesh. Ved viyas came and and divided the flesh to 101 pots, 100 sons and a daughter.", he said. 

" Very complicated family", she said.

" It's just a start", he replied. 

They were interrupted by a messenger. 

" Yuvraj and Rajkumari are called for dinner.", the person said.

" We will come.", Duryodhana replied and continued " Rest of the story will be told later." Abhinaya smiled.

They both departed for dinner.

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