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Abhinaya and Prince sat on top of Hastinapur tower where they had a clear view of welcoming of Pandavas kids. Prince made himself invisible to not arise a commotion. They heard the sounds horn made by soldiers informing the arrival of Upa Pandavas . The five sons and their daughter entered the arena with King Durupad , Prince Dhushtadhyuman, and warrior Shikandi. 

Draupadi and Pandavas were happy to see them. The Upa Pandavas had their ego from head to toe. After the welcoming they took blessings from the elders. When they took blessings from Dhritarashtra and Gandhari , they were seeing down upon them except Prativindhya, son of Yudishtar. Suthanu , showed her beauty and was flipping her hair to capture the attention of other prince. She was adored by Pandavas , mainly Arjun which hurt Abhinaya. 

" Will my father love me the same way he loves Suthanu , Prince?", Abhi said. Prince hugged her sideways saying '  Whatever happens I will be there for you master'.

She saw her mom standing with her Kaka shree's Bhanumati, Vrushali and Kamakshi (wife of Ashwathama). Also she saw her brother's (Karna's and  Ashwathama's sons) except Mystic Gala's. She also saw Khanna , Balu Mama, Revathi and Rukmini standing on the other side. She and Khanna made eye contact and smiled.

Next they welcomed other kids of Pandavas. 

" Didn't Abhimanyu come? ", one of the king asked.

" Subhadra , where is Abhimanyu.", Arjuna asked her.

" He will come ", she just said with a straight face.

Then again horn sound was heard. A big army came by which was led by a young boy. He looked handsome, his white skin glowed, he rode his white horse with a bow in his left hand and sword in is left hip. His eyes showed his confidence, the aura around him was very powerful.

Bhishma had a proud smile on his face. Duryodhana and Karna were proud of their son. Subhadra took the Aarti plate and stood in front to welcome him. 

" My son, My Manyu, General of Indraprasta Army, the valiant warrior, ABHIMANYU.", Subhadra said as his name echoed. He jumped from his horse and walked towards his mother. 

"  Ma, don't cry. There is abundant water and I just now took bath. Don't waste your precious tears. ", he said and took her blessing. Subhadra pulled him to a hug. He then went towards Yudishtar , " I, General of Indraprasta Army , Abhimanyu give the control of the army to Charkravarthy Yudishtar", he said with a booming voice. And the whole Indraprasta army took their swords out and  showed it towards sky by saying " Hail Charkravarthy  Yudishtar". 

The sound made by them astonished the whole Arena. Abhinaya had a proud smile on her face. He then dispersed the army and ran towards Bhishmar.

" Great Grand pa , did you see? I did it. I made it." , he said like a one year old kid who built a castle. Bhishma chuckled and caressed his face " Yes, Manyu you did it. You made me proud", he said. He took the blessings of the elders with a smiley face and gave the gifts he brought for them. He gave a knife he made for Dhritarashtra, a book about Deva for Vidura, a ring he made for Bhishma which had the symbol of sword, he gave a necklace for Gandhari, a pair of earnings for Kunti, a bracelet for Bhanumati,  a hair pin for Vrushali , and anklet for Supriya. He then hugged Duryodhana and Karna and all his brothers. He gave a saree for Subhadra which was so soft. Then he was conversing with Bhishma when his mother came and said, " Abhimanyu meet your father , dear ". Abhimanyu had no interest but for his mother he came with a smiling face and took Pandavas blessings. 

" Will you do everything a mother says?", Draupadi asked.

"I will do anything if my mothers ask, but I will also count on the consequence before doing it.", he replied.

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