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When the twins reached Dwaraka they directly ran to their mother.

" Ma, Ma ...", they shouted.

" What my dear angels?", she asked.

" Subha you know I got so many brothers."

" Also ma , I got three more grandma's, and a Great grandfather."

" Subha, we even formed MYSTIC GALA'S, me ,Manyu , Vrishakaetu, Jayanth, Lakshman and Lakshmana."

" And ma, I learned so many things about army"

" I learned to cook best dishes from Kunti grandma too".

Both kids where say what all they did in their travel to Subhadra who was keenly listening to her kids.

" Accha, So my babies had fun with their kaka shree", she said. The kids nodded happily. 

Days passes. The Mystic Gala's wrote letter to each other. Abhi always wrote letters to Karna and Duryodhana , even Ashwathama. 

It was the twins birthday. Many kingdoms were invited as per Krishna's instruction as he said it was a turning point in twin's life.

Hastinapur, Kaasi, Anga , Kampilya , Ayodhya , Tripur, and many small kingdoms too. Since Hastinapur arrived Panchal declined the invitation.  

All the princess who arrived looked down upon Abhinaya as saying she was fat, bookworm, not beautiful, even fatherless. These things happened when princess spent their time together, Abhinaya took promise from Lakshmana not to say anything those princesses said to her family. Karna gifted Abhimanyu a new bow, and his Laila a pocket knife with few books about kingdom.  Duryodhana gave Abhimanyu a book about warriors and war strategies and gifted Abhinaya a journal to write her journey. Bhishma gave Abhimanyu a sword and Abhinaya a anklet that his mother made for her. Vidura gifted both the kids with dresses and jewels. Dhritarashtra gave a  spear to Abhimanyu and a sword to Abhinaya saying  he will have a dual with them once they complete their education. Gandhari gave a bracelet to Abhimanyu and a hairpin to Abhinaya saying them not to remove it at any occasion. Kunti gave a armor to Abhimanyu and a necklace to Abhinaya saying ' this was given to me by my mother,  but when gave this to Draupadi she rejected it but now I give this to you. This is a necklace that's being passed down my generation for years. This necklace caries history with it so I want you to continue it. I want you to find the purpose of this necklace, Abhi.'.

All the others showered their gifts. The mystic gala were having fun but suddenly Abhinaya's birthmark started to glow. 

"  Khanna mama, It doesn't stop glowing", Abhi showed her wrist to Krishna.

" Tanvi , you should find the purpose of your life. Your birthmarks says that your purpose needs you. Find it Tanvi. Your journey starts.", Krishna replied.

" But where will I start Khanna? Who will guide me? ", the little asked.

" Do what your heart say? Go where your mark leads you. Strat from the mountains in east but Tanvi let me remind you never reveal your face. ", he said.

Abhinaya said everything to her mother, Duryodhan, Karna and Ashwathama.

" Are you prepared to go Zahra?"

" I don't know  Suyo. Everyone has their reason to live. I should find my reason too."

" Laila, be strong where ever you go. The path given to you is tough but have will power to face it. Always have the desire to succeed your mission,"

" I will Karna".

" Abhi take the gifts that were given to you.  They might be helpful. ", Ashwathama said. Abhinaya nodded. Subhadra had tears in her eyes.

" Subhu, I will come soon. I promise the time your husband returns I will return exactly eleven days after his arrival.", she said. Subhadra nodded with tears. Then she went to see her Mystic Gala's and told them every thing.

" I promise to write you. Abhi take care of mom and make mom proud. Vrishakaetu become one of the best doctors. Lakshman achieve your dream as a spy. Lakshmana go to kanyakul. And Jayanth become a great ruler. And I will complete my mission and we will see each other after eleven days of  Pandavas return. Lets make the world see our growth.", she said to which the Mystic Gala's agreed. A new turn in their life started that very day. 

Next morning Abhinaya bid her goodbye's to her family and marched towards mountains in east. She wore a black attire with a mask covering her face and riding the white horse gifted by her Balu mama. Her blue eyes shined under the sun. The path she chose might be full of thorns but she knows it's for the betterment.

How will Abhi's journey be???

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