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The next everyone were present for breakfast except Mystic Gala's. Every guest who came by returned to their Kingdoms except Ashwathama and Karna who were insisted by elders to stay. They sent their sons back to kingdom to keep an eye. The Mystic Gala's were not present for breakfast. The elders knew they were sleeping and its hard to wake them up.

" Where are the other six kids? Why have they not come yet?", Yudishtar asked.

" Let the kids have their time my son. Let's start eating", Dhritarashtra replied.

" But its a etiquette of a prince or princess that they should eat with their family", Suthanu said showing of her knowledge. 

" That's right Suthanu but there is no rule that it is compulsory and it says that they should eat with family. None of you guys are their family, my dear. So you can start eating", Kunti said in the most polite way.

" But Abhimanyu and Abhinaya are", she said.

" But they clearly said they don't accept any kind of relationship with you my dear", Kunti replied back again. She then turned toward the three friends who were listening to the whole things.

" Kids will you three go and wake them up. They would be sleeping and they should eat as they didn't eat much yesterday.", Kunti said and they nodded as they headed to Abhinaya's  chamber as their wives told them yesterday. They entered to see six of them tangled to each other. 

" Kids wake up. It's morning", Duryodhana shouted but no response.

" Babies rise and shine", Ashwathama said but in turn he got kicked by Vrishakaetu and the other to laughed holding their stomach.

" Idiot even I will not near my son when he sleeps. Even after knowing his reaction why did you stand by his side", Karna said while laughing.

" I thought he changed. But it seems like some things never change", he said in pain holding his leg. " Did he study medicine or wrapped his body in iron. It pains like hell".

They woke up the easiest persons Lakshmana and Jayanth. Jayanth woke up to see Abhinaya to top of him hugging him like a pillow whereas Lakshman had his legs over him. Lakshmana woke up to see laying in the hands of Abhimanyu and Vrishakaetu who had his legs over her. She pushed Vrishakaetu off her which resulted him to wake up at jolt yet sleepy. Abhimanyu woke up to Lakshmana push and Lakshman woke up when Jayanth untangled himself from him. The only person who didn't wake up was Abhinaya who was still sleeping in Jayanth arms. 

The three friends went out of the room telling them to come for break fast.

" Is it necessary to bath?", Vrishakaetu asked.

" Lets go like this. There are no guest , just our family. ", Lakshmana replied.

" That's right we used to be like this back then. Nothing has changed except the arrival of Pandavas and Upa Pandavas.", Abhimanyu said.

" Lets go and eat. I am very hungry. Jayanth carry Abhinaya , she will wake up only after she rest on her papa", Lakshman said. And they sleepily walked towards the breakfast area.

The elders saw the six kids entering sleepily with Jayanth carrying Abhinaya like a toddler. Abhimanyu went and sat between Bhishmar and Duryodhan, Lakshman between Bhishmar and Dhritarashtra, Vrishakaetu between Yutishtu and Ashwathama, Lakshmana between Ashwathama and Duryodhan. Jayanth made Abhinaya comfortable on Karna's lap and sat between Karna and Vidura. Abhinaya leaned for Karna's warmth and he had a protective hug over her. 

" Laila wake up dear. You can sleep after you eat.", he said to her softly but she slept like Kumbhakarna. She hugged him more and went to deep sleep drooling over him like kid. Arjuna had a killer look on his face. 

"Bhishma was feeding Abhimanyu, who was half the way back to his sleep, Yutishtu fed Vrishakaetu whose head was bouncing to and fro, Lakshmana was fed by Duryodhana who sleepily ate , Lakshman was fed by Ashwathama who was dancing like Vrishakaetu, Jayanth leaned on Vidura as he fed the kid. The ladies where laughing at the pose of kids. Abhinaya slowly woke up to their giggling sound. 

" Good morning Papa" , she said and rubbed her eyes sleepily. 

" Good morning Laila" , he replied as he adored her. " Why don't we eat and fill your tummy so you can go back to your beauty sleep", he asked and she nodded her head. She ate her food while playing with Suyodhana's hair. 

The kids completed their breakfast and sleepily walked towards the room to sleep again. Arjuna was fuming that Abhinaya called Karna as ' papa ' and Suthanu was fuming as all the elders adores Abhinaya and not her. 

After a nice sleep they got ready for the day. Abhimanyu went with Bhishma to show the improvements and changes he made in the army. Vrishakaetu went with Yutishtu and walked along the garden sharing the experience of his journey. Lakshman was strolling with Karna and Duryodhan discussing about a new mission. Lakshmana sat with the ladies and took part in their discussion. Pandavas were on the fighting arena with Upa Pandavas and they were training them with simple moves. Jayanth was discussing the plans and changes that can be made with Vidurar. All stopped their works and saw Dhritarashtra walking towards fighting arena with his sword and Abhinaya with hers.

Bhishma said , " You both are going to have a duel it seems"

" Yes kaka shree this little lady over here promised me she will have a duel with me after completing her studies. And she started to call me old man now. I have to prove her I still got my senses in fighting." , he replied to which Abhinaya laughed.

" Sister , it is wrong to have a duel with king like Grand pa. What if he gets hurt? You are doing wrong." , suthanu said acting worried.

" First of all Rajkumari Suthana I ain't your sister. Secondly this is a friendly duel. And for the last a Khathriya no a person should never go back on his or her words. Nothing is wrong in having a friendly duel wih my Grandpa. The persons who are involved in the duel have no obligations then no one has their rights to object or poke their nose into it" , Abhinaya replied.

Suthanu turned to her father Yudishtar and started " But papa is it right?"

" What all Abhinaya said is true my child now leave the area to watch their duel" , he said with a smile.

Suthanu stomped her feet and went where ladies sat. Dhitarastra and Abhinaya stood in fighting positions.

" Wait a minute. A duel should have a motive. Let this duel motive be fighting with the use of sense. So I will tie a cloth.", Abhinaya said and tied a cloth around her eyes. All were eagerly waiting for the match. Guru Drona started the match. Both of them focused on what ther hear and smell. Dhitarashtra started to offend while Abhinaya defend. The match went intense. Both the players relayes on the sounds they heard the the force of wind that passed. Abhinaya jumped high in the air to attack while Dhritarashtra gracefully defended the attack. Dhritarashtra made fast moves to which Abhinaya blended. They were swinging their swords in blink of eye. All jaws dropped seeing an intense fight light only relying on sensory. Drona stopped the match saying it was a tie.

" I never expected you to work on your senses", Dritarashtra said.

" I too never expected you still heighten you senses", Abhinaya replied.

" Your moves where different.  I was unable to cope up but I know you went a bit easy on me "

" I participated in many wars Grand pa. I should heighten my senses if I am against a demon. That's why I worked in it and those sword moves were much easier to play offensive or defensive mode and I made those. All we need is the weak state of opponent then we can capture him".

Pandavas were proud seeing their youngest daughter fight like that. Mainly Nakul was eager to learn the moves from her. Arjun felt sad when ever he saw Abhinaya. It made him sad that his daughter will never talk to him.  Suthanu was burning like fire while adding some wax to it. She started to hate Abhinaya as she takes the spot light away from her.

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