What's Next??

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The Mystic Gala's were sleeping peacefully as they had a long night. Everyone gathered for breakfast but this time no one questioned about those six. This time Abhinaya woke up first and made her was to the dining. 

" See who has woke up first", Duryodhan exclaimed. 

" Suyo I came to see what's for breakfast."

" Well, Laila chapatti and dhal with mashed potato and payasam.", Karna replied.

" Abhimanyu and me hate dhal, Vrishakaetu and Lakshmana dislikes Roti, Lakshman will never come near potato, and only food we have is Payasam. I will go and cook before others wake up", with that she went to kitchen . She made different dishes and the aroma spread everywhere. It took her only few minutes. When she came with the dishes , she saw Mystic Gala's walking towards the dining with their eyes closed. Their opened their eyes to see mouth watering dishes.  The maids served her dishes to everyone including Pandavas , Upa Pandavas. The first bite they took made them feel like as if they were in heaven. 

" Priya, the best dishes ever", Jayanth complimented her.

" Why do you call Abhinaya as Priya, Raj Kumar Jayanth. Isn't the word used to call the person you love or your wife? Are you both in love?", Suthanu asked as if she is innocent.

Mystic Gala's split their food when the elders ( except Pandavas , Draupadi) always saw the spark between the two.  Lakshman wants to have some fun so he winked at Abhimanyu who understood the plan. 

Lakshman started , " Raj Kumari they both are childhood sweethearts" and he winked at Abhinaya.

It was Abhimanyu's turn to continue, " Raj Kumari , even they were engaged to each other when they three."

Abhinaya and Jayanth were like guys are you aliens.

Vrishakaetu joined their plan, " Even they used to sleep with each other. They can't be separated even for a minute."

" Aare, They even god married when they were kids ", Lakshmana threw a bomb while elders controlled they laughter leaving the Pandavas shocked along with Suthanu. Abhinaya and Jayanth thought of continuing their play , " Even Lakshmana has an eye for my Khanna mama's son", Abhinaya said.

" Even Vatsala got married to Abhimanyu" , Jayanth continued the play. Abhimanyu and Lakshmana had killer faces. 

" Even my brother has one side love on Princess Uttara", Lakshmana said. While Lakshman made a face ' What did I even do to you'.

" Aare Vrishakaetu is sending letters to Princess of  Vijaya", Abhimanyu outed him. 

They Mystic Gala's started to chase each other while elders had a hearty laugh.

" Mom , whatever they said was true?", Arjun asked Kunti.

Kunti who was laughing  said " They were pulling each other's leg , Arjun". The Pandavas relived a deep breath while Suthanu got angry as they made fun of her question. 

" These kids always makes us laugh", Bhishmar said as he balanced his breath. 

" They are to energetic today Mahamahim, I don't know who are going to be their bait today.", Subhadra said.

" Today is going to be Laughing Day. But they are revealing each other secrets too.", Duryodhana said.

The kids started to plan their prank. They started with the Mantri of Heath as he mocked them a lot. They went to his seat and glued it. They even put sound making toys under it. The court gathered and Mystic Gala's stood with their mothers in Balcony of the court watching the Mantri with full focus. Nakul caught them but he wanted to enjoy the prank. The people went to take their respective seats. While the Mantri sat ,it made a loud noise freezing everyone. Mystic Gala's had hard time suppressing their laughs. When Mantri tried to get off the seat he felt like he was struck to it. Karna eyed the kids and nodded his head in disapproval while having a smile.  Nakul was laughing while turning his head to face Sahadev, who himself had hard time controlling it.

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