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After the gathering the Mystic Gala's bid their family and moved towards  Abhinaya's chamber. They made themselves comfortable in her bed after changing their outfit.

" It's been years we saw each other", Lakshmana said.

" So how was your experience these years guys? We wrote letters , well not frequently but we spent only short time.", Vrishakaetu said.

" Well, after Abhinaya left Dwaraka I started to train under Uncle Krishna and Uncle Balarama. After two years I came to Hastinapur to learn under Guru Dronacharya and Great Grand Father. After one year of training in Hastinapur I disguised as a solider and participated in the wars of Ayodhya. after two years of training as solider I came back to take over the title of General of Indraprasta army which was hard to get. But the soldiers cooperated with me. With their effort I made a change in their training, strategies, and they easily blend into it.", Abhimanyu said.

" Great Manyu. You risked your life to become a warrior. That's awesome man.", Lakshman said.

" So, after Abhi twins birthday I came back to Anga and continued to learn in the health care while implement the technique's and methods Uncle Yutishtu taught me. After a year I thought of traveling to experience more and that led me to Rishi Vyasa Ashram. I stayed there for four years and learnt many types of disease, medicines, poisons and it's cure. I admit learning to brew it and grind it was the hardest part. Later I was struck in Vijaya kingdom that had a huge flue. I along  with other doctors started to find a cure and I stayed there for six moths. Then I travelled mountains, crossed rivers and lakes to learn more about medicinal plants and collected them. And here I am.", Vrishakaetu said.

" You also had a difficult path. Learning about poisons, medical plants are not easy. One wrong move you are dead" , Abhimanyu said.

" After me and Lakshmana returned to Hastinapur, I was interested in martial arts. So I approached Great Grandpa and took lessons from him. After a year I decided to become a spy as I am good at sneaking. So I went with one of Great Grandpa spy and learnt various things about spying for about five years. Later I started to disguise myself , club with peoples , learn more about them, befriended some in every kingdom I went to. After that I came back and took my first mission. Well my job identity is hidden. To the world I am a traveler but to you guys I am a spy.", Lakshman said.

" Are you kidding me ?, you took the most riskiest job one can do.", Vrishakaetu exclaimed.

" So I went to Kanyakul, I befriended few princesses. I learnt many things, Music, Dance, Martial arts, Cooking, Dressing, Codes of Princess and Queens. They were not adventurous but I loved it.", Lakshmana said.

" You are too Kidding me right?, Cooking is a lovely job but also the hardest one. And Music and Dance . They are form of distraction to enemies, peace to heart . Codes of Princess and Queens are necessary so that she can rule her own kingdom without a king by her side. All the things you learnt are the best martial art form and you are sayings it's not adventures.", Vrishakaetu again said to which all agreed. That made Lakshmana feel more proud to have friends like them.

" I went with my father to Kampilya and I packed my things to travel towards Hastinapur. I stayed in Grand pa Vidurar's residence and learnt various political matters. Then I sought Grand pa Dhritarashtra to guide me in Current Affairs. Then I studied the histories from Great grand pa. Later I travelled to many kingdoms to note down the rules and regulation they follow. I documented everything I saw. I worked as Royal Guard in many Kingdoms to enter their court so I could see the reality of their way of judgement. Later I returned to Kampilya and worked as Mantri and discussed with dad about changes that can be made. I planed that six of us will build a Kingdom that symbolizes the freedom of people.", Jayanth said. All the six dreamt about their future kingdom. The plan they thought of when they were three and promised to fulfill that dream when they were four. They worked hard for it and all they need is a right plan to get a land.

" After my journey towards east mountains, I stayed under tress, inside the caves I travelled long to find a hidden cave in the icy mountains. There I found my Prince who is my Dragon and also the sword that belonged to me. Later I found my destined Guru who took me to his Ashram and trained me in everything that is needed. His wife taught me about rules a Queen should follow, cooking , music, and how to survive. With years of training I started the purpose of my birth. TO ELIMINATE DEMONS. I started to verged war against them. Demolished Demon kingdoms and brought peace. And it was also the time my secret identity developed. You guys must never say this to anyone. I was named as ' CHANDRANAYA' my my Guru but people called me ' KARIKALAN'. So yes , I give justice to the one who needs it but it's my other identity", Abhinaya finished. Others jaws were dropped to the ground.





All the four were bickering her while Jayanth sat silently. He was thinking 'how hard they climbed to reach where they were now.'

" Guys enough of discussions. Lets sleep. I am so tired after a long travel", Abhinaya said yawning.

The six climbed down the bed and spread a big mat on the floor.


They slept in this order hugging each other. Subhadra , Bhanumati , Vrushali and Kamakshi who came to see their kids found them to be in deep sleeping. They put a blanket above them and went away closing their Chamber. 

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