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Vrishakaetu said to his father that he is going to Hastinapur health center to treat people and the other kids came dashing to him that they too want to go with him. Well seems like they are very good actors. Bhishma understood what the kids were planning while Karna found it suspicious but allowed them as they would get into more trouble if they roam inside the palace.

The kids dressed in simple attire and moved towards Heath Center.

" Karna kaka was suspicious when we asked his permission", Abhimanyu said.

" Ofcourse , Papa knew we are planning something but he let us go as he knows if we stay in palace trouble follows us", Abhinaya replied.

" Vrishakaetu , how will you get us in without notifying our identity to them.", Lakshman asked.

" Of course , I am going to get caught at the end so we will develop some lies. Lakshmana be my assistant. Jayanth and Abhinaya are going to act like they are engaged and they came there to get her burns treated. Thankfully the burns didn't heal yet. Abhimanyu will be there as Abhinaya's brother. And Lakshman you are on your own. You know what to do. Climb the top of the center and spy in your way. Have your own names. Abhinaya as Tanvi, Abhimanyu as Tejas, Jayanth as Sid, Lakshmana as Laksh. And I will go by my name. ", Vrishakaetu replied.

They started to act before they reach their destination so they could go with a flow. Lakshman already wore his spy dress and was sitting on top of a tall tree watching them.

Vrishakaetu passed the guards as they know him as a doctor. By his help the group went in instead of standing in cue to get treated. 

" Doctor, Doctor, please come and treat my Tanvi's burns. We just did a emergency care.", Abhimanyu ran inside shouting with Jayanth carrying Abhinaya running after him.

" Doctor, see my fiancée  condition. We are going to get married after a week. Please treat her as soon as possible", Jayanth said making Abhinaya look at him as if he has gone mad. Vrishakaetu was controlling his laughter as Abhinaya hissed in pain and acted with pool of tears flowing from her eyes. Lakshman felt proud of his work as he made Abhinaya eat as many chilies as possible and made her see onions which irritated her eyes and she started to cry thinking about it. 

The doctor came and removed her bandages and saw the wounds healing but he said them " Oh my god , these wounds are deep and not healing. We must immediately apply medicine." Vrishakaetu looked at him like ' Are you really a doctor?'. The doctor came with sandal paste and applied it over Abhinaya's burnt area as he said " This is a paste that I made myself. Since you said you have marriage next week I opened the box." Vrishakaetu was like ,' Dude, its a normal sandal paste' and made a eye roll. He saw something suspicious when the doctor made his way back to keep the sandal paste in the room. He signaled Lakshman indicating the room as Lakshman jumped above the roof. Now all they have to do is making sure no one enters the room. 

Vrishakaetu started to have a conversation with the doctor saying how thankful he was to give the paste he made to a patient in emergency (note the sarcasm). And Abhimanyu literally started to act as if he owed his life to the doctor. Jayanth was acting like a very worried Fiancée while Abhinaya wanted to go and sleep. Later the doctor said " The charge would be 50 coins". Lakshmana was shocked because a heath care must not charge more than 5 coins but they paid the amount and went off. 

Lakshman was standing far from the health center. 

" Lets talk once we go back.", Abhinaya said.

They entered Abhinaya's chamber and Bhishmar came along with them without anyone's notice.

  " What did you find?", he asked.

" First of all, the doctor over there is not a real one. He is an uneducated doctor. There are no nurses over there to help. The hell ,what happened while we were gone", Vrishakaetu said moving his hands above his head.

" The fee he takes is 50 coins while the maximum should be 5. That's why no Hastinapur citizens go there except the one who has money.", Lakshmana said.

" The room has many grains stored inside it. There is also salt and country sugar. But the interesting part is that under the medical supplies there are lots and lots of gold", Lakshman said.

" That explains why citizens don't get enough grain to survive. I heard Radha grand ma say the people are getting grains from rich families after giving quite an amount of coins.", Vrishakaetu said. 

" Country sugar and salt are stored so they can export it to other kingdoms and from that they would get gold as exchange.", Abhinaya said.

" But who the hell has these kind of plans? Like really ' a perfect sketch not to get caught ' .", Vrishakaetu said.

" Shakuni. He is the only one who comes up with plans like these. What is he trying to achieve?"  , Jayanth said.

" He wants Hastinapur to fall but how these connects to one another", Bhishma said while thinking.

" That's what we have to find. Lets track how the salt get exported. Tonight they are going to export it that's what I heard as two people talked. We start in tonight", Lakshman said.

Everyone nodded as Bhishma admired their thought process.

That night the kids went to Abhinaya's chamber and acted like they slept. Their mother's came to check on them. When they heard the chamber doors close they made pillows to replace them, changed their outfit and moved towards the bath area. Abhinaya took the lead and pulled the handle down. The mirror opened revealing a passage.

" When did you find this?", Abhimanyu asked.

" That's why they say to read books idiot.", Abhinaya back fired.

" Book worm"

" Idiot"

" Monkey"

" Buffalo"

Both started to bicker when Vrishakaetu came and closed their mouth. " We have a mission ahead. You both can come back and continue your bickering session". Abhinaya led them through the tunnel which reaches the east end of Hastinapur where the Heath Center is. They all wore mask and black cloths as they jumped from tree to tree. They sat at top of the trees to see what was going on. They saw a man who came in with five carts following him and three of them were large and empty while the other two were filled. The doctor who they saw in the morning allowed them inside and the men's carried the sacks of salt and sugar and loaded it in the cart. They heard the doctor ask " Now where is the exchange?", to which the man led him to the other two carts showing him gold bars.  

" Let's have some fun", Lakshman said as he jumped down the tree. Abhinaya and Abhimanyu  followed him. They started to howl like ghost. Abhimanyu managed to go under the cart that was loaded with sacks of sugar and salt and teared them. Lakshman started to make weird sounds from the top of the room that made the men's to run for their life. Abhinaya moved like wind, and kicked the both men to fall on their butts. Lakshmana took a white cloth and made it flow in the direction of both the men. They freaked out shouting " GHOST! GHOST! HELP US", as they moved towards the center of kingdom. The Mystic Gala's took the chance and escaped the place. They entered Abhinaya's chamber changed their outfit and went made their way to bed. Once they settled they laughed crazily thinking about how funny it was. Lakshman and Abhinaya sensed someone coming and alerted others as they went back to their act like sleeping. Subhadra and Kamakshi came to wake the kids up as court was called. ( They could get Oscar for their act). 

They all assembled in the court and saw the doctor and the men who came by were tied with ropes. The salt and sugar sacks were there with the gold bars. They also saw soldiers bringing the grain sacks that were stored in the room. Karna eyed the kids knowing that they had something to do with it. 

Yudishtar interrogated the guilty and sentenced them to prison also saying the grains will go rightfully to the people and the persons who are linked with this will also go to prison.

The doctor turned and said " Maharaj , we will go to prison but please make the ghost disappear from the kingdom. They were like 'oooooo', 'ohhhh' and even white cloths came flying."

The Gala's and Bhishma were controlling their laughter. Subhadra and Kunti instantly knew who were behind this. Nakul eyed the Gala's knowing that these kids were pranksters but he kept quiet smiling to himself. After the court ended, Subhadra, Kunti , Karna and Bhishma went to Gala's room to know what exactly happened. When the kids explained the elders were laughing hard. But the little they knew that war has began.

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