Chapter 7.

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AN: So, today is my sister's birthday and I was feeling so excited so I wrote this chapter.



So far so good, Gombe has been okay. There has been no hassles and the whole event is slowly coming to an end. Today is election and I'm on my jeans and black polo, codedly campaigning for Madam.

"Farida, hi." I know these men want just one thing. They are just jokers.

"Hello, Jude." He smiles to me, revealing his brown teeth. That's the comma on his fine boy levels. Carry your teeth comot from my face, abeg. This is what I scream inwardly but to his face, I smile. Asides doing this for madam, one can never tell when you'll need help from these other brands. So, I just keep a relationship with some of them.

"Hope you're rooting for Madam Yeni?" I ask him.

"Do we have a choice?" He asks, smirking.

"Yes, you actually do." But in my head, I'm screaming you dont! I know I have small weyrey.

"You convincing me aside, she is actually a woman of integrity. The first thing I look out for in a leader." He states.

"Thank you, still." I nod my head in agreement to what he just said because it is true in her regards. Forget the fact that she is my boss; she has integrity which is why I can vouch for her. The election continues for another four hours and at a point, I get so tired.

"There should be a place where we could buy food around here." Mr. Bankole speaks and of course, I ignore him.

"Miss. Lawal. Aren't you hungry?" He asks.

"No, I'm not. Thank you for asking." First of all, I left my purse at the hotel mistakenly. And my card and money are inside. I don't have cash with me. If I admit to being hungry, he will now be insinuating that he is the one feeding me. Abeg!

"Farida." Unbelievable! Why is this one calling me by my first name? Are we friends? Plus, the name sounds foreign coming from his mouth.

"Let's get something light to eat." He insists.

"I don't have cash with me. You can just go. I'm fine." I state. He slaps his hand across his face, a bewildered look on it.

"Don't worry. I'll pay." Did heaven fall to earth or someone wore 3D glasses on his brain? Did they format it, because I am not understanding why he is being not mean to me? I guess this is just out of courtesy because we are not friends.

"I only accept things like this from friends or people I'm familiar with. Before you'll come and start saying you are feeding me." He clicks his tongue before responding, a mischievous look dancing across his face.

"Who said we are friends? Please, definitely not you." I am glad that we are on similar grounds.

"Let me just get this one thing and we can go back to disliking each other." This man is weird.

Together, we walk to one of the stores just across the gate from the convention center. The woman who owns the shop was attending to someone else so we had to wait.

"What are you having?" He asks. My eyes take a survey across the things available for consumption.

"Eggroll, puff puff and Nutri milk can do. Thank you." He just smiles, shaking his head. Whatever is going on in his head, that's his business.

He calls out the order to the woman while we wait for people to attend to us. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn back to be my met by a face I wish I could erase from my memory.

OIL MONEY  |A Nigerian Romance|Where stories live. Discover now