Chapter 27.

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Two months! Two whole months since I last heard from or saw Tobi. Once more, it hurts. Maybe worse than the last time, because I actually did take him serious this time. I thought he had changed but once more, getting in my pants and having his way with me is what he has always wanted. I should have seen the signs. When I told him we needed to talk, he did not directly agree to it. Then the 'call' after and the 'meeting' he had to attend. They were all lies. They were just his excuses to get rid of me and avoid the talk.

Why did I even allow myself dwell in the vulnerability? Why could I not do better on issues relating to him? Or do I like him? Of course, I do. There's no point in continuously denying it. It's why it always hurts. Hurts when he messes with me. This is the second time and it happens just after we have sex. His countenance this time was different. I thought he had changed. Guess a Leopard's spots are unchangeable.

That evening, the girls, me and Emmy went clubbing. All through the preparation for this outing, they all kept exchanging glances amongst themselves, no doubt silently wondering what I was up to because of how I was dressed.

Lowkey, I wanted to get back at Tobi for ghosting on me. So, I got a Private investigator to track him today and give me feedback on his location. He is currently at the club, and I somehow coerced my friends to go clubbing tonight as they don't know what I have rolled up my sleeves. Going alone would seem kind of suspicious so I came up with my plan.

"Madam Farida, welcome." The bouncer says, allowing me and my friends shunt the line and gain access into the club. Some people protested but I really did not care. Big Jay was one of the thugs in my area back then at Ikorodu. I used to 'settle' him well so nobody disturbs me.

"Thank you." I show a smile in his direction before walking in, my friends following behind me. We head straight to the bar, ordering the drinks we wanted. Once they down their shots, the girls go to the dance floor to shake their bodies while I remain here, having a little chit-chat with Emmanuel.

"Woah... you're drinking too much. What's up with you? Anything the matter?" When he attempts to stop me from taking the sixth shot, I swat off his hand. From the corner of my eyes, I see my target and a smirk dance on my lips. Two can play this game! Emmy was in shock when I drag him to the dance floor and began grinding on him. I knew he could see me, a result of his gaze's effect on me.

"Woah... slow down, girl. What's going on?" He asks.

"Shut up... just play along." I state, glaring at him. Emmanuel raises his hand in mock surrender, nodding in agreement.

"Okay. Okay." He states, allowing me grind on him. Less than a minute after, I am yanked off Emmy's grip, no doubt by a furious Tobi.

"Let go of me, Tobi." My voice is slurred as I speak, glaring at him and smacking his hand.

"I swear to God, woman." He hisses, muttering profanities. Before I could register what was happening, my vision had become inverted. This caveman had carried me on his shoulder, ignoring my protests. The next time I could see things as they are was when he puts me in his car before locking it. The moment he gets in, he takes me in his arms.

"I'm sorry." He whispers into my hair that his hand is gently stroking.

"Leave me alone, Tobi. You always make me seem like a fool." I hiss, slapping his hand off my hair.

"How did it feel? Huh? To know you finally got me again." If looks could fire shots, I bet he'd have a hole drilled in his chest area by now.

"Baby girl, I am sorry." He apologizes again.

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