33: The Gayest Thing Brendon Urie Had Said That Week

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The rather recent friendship between Brendon Urie and Dallon Weekes was both unexpected and unconventional: at first, it was just them insulting one another, but as they found themselves talking on a far more frequent basis, and actually talking as opposed to just arguing, they found themselves on the subject of Gee Way, and then, the dreaded Ryan Ross.

It had totally been a butt dial, and Ryan was really not happy to hear Brendon's voice again, and Brendon was really not happy to hear him scream down the phoneline about limp bananas and soggy bread, which was a little questionable, to say the least.

And let's just say that Brendon let just a little more slip with Dallon than he'd ever care to admit.

Perhaps it was just weakness and loneliness, because admittedly, he hadn't spoke to Sarah since she'd came over that one time, and Brendon's head was starting spin whenever he thought about Ryan and Sarah and just how he'd screwed everything up the ass quite so fucking spectacularly, because really, he hadn't half assed this one - he really hadn't at all.

And with Gabe Saporta preoccupied with being Jesus the gay supporter at William Beckett's cousin's wedding - by planning the ordeal and totally not just wasting all his time awkwardly flirting with William, as he continued to be utter reluctant when it even came to admitting just how gay he was for the guy, Brendon found himself without Gabe's house to spend his Friday night in.

Because, fuck, Brendon did not want to be home when his mum's boyfriend was, he found himself sat up in the attic of Dallon Weekes' house: it was Dallon's bedroom... he hadn't like drugged him and kidnapped him and locked him up in there or something.

It was weird to say the least: Brendon wasn't really one for being nice and making friends, but Dallon was okay, or at least he filled Gabe's position perfectly for now, and he did a pretty good job of distracting Brendon from the voice inside that was screaming legion after legion of ridiculous assumptions as to why Gabe had neglected all of his text messages today.

And well, that voice spoke more to poke and jab at insecurities than of the truth and the fact that Gabe was far too preoccupied with trying not to get hard in the presence of William Beckett, because that would be an awkward situation, to say the least.

Speaking of awkward situations: Brendon Urie's fucking existence, because Dallon had gone downstairs to go to the bathroom and go piss or something, and stupidly left his phone upstairs... and the screen just happened to light up with a message from Joe asking where he was and what had happened to their plans.

And god, Brendon was not the guy who deserved to be hung out with in favour of blowing off your friends (not in that way) and pre-organised plans. He thought best to just bury the thought in the back of his head and pretend that he'd never even seen the message, but as Dallon returned - he just couldn't.

"Your phone." Brendon wasn't even discreet about it, holding out Dallon's phone to him as he entered the room. "I... uhh... the message popped and I... why are you ignoring your friends... for me of all people?"

Dallon remained silent for entirely too long afterwards, blushing a little, as he pocketed his cellphone and sat down beside Brendon, as he wondered just which version of the truth would serve him best right now. "Joe know something about me that I don't want him to, and I know he's going to confront me about it the next time I see him... so I've been avoiding it, because I lie all the time, but Joe... he doesn't take bullshit, and I can't lie to his face when he already knows the truth."

"How do you know this?" Brendon couldn't help but ask: overly curious as to just what this secret was, but knowing that when Dallon began to share his secrets, Brendon would most likely have to return the favour, and well, Brendon had made that mistake once already.

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