34: before reading comment who you think's gonna die & read to see if ur right

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Alicia's life was rather questionable right now: her goals were minimal, and her future was just about as promising as the possibility of Brendon Urie ever sucking up and realise what a dickhead he was for the majority of the time.

And as she continued to neglect showing any signs of caring at all, her parents finally begun to care just a little bit, and even begin to wonder as to just where their teenage daughter was spending all the time she spent out of the house these days.

Alicia had woken up at precisely four pm on a Sunday, and it was getting ridiculous by now, becoming a weekly ritual, almost, and a kind of practise that was beginning to warrant answers of its own, but of course, as to whether Alicia was willing to answer such questions was a matter entirely of its own accord.

She replied to a text from her best friend, her only friend, the twenty six year old drug dealer, which was something she'd begun to accept all too casually by this point, and really, the reminder that this wasn't exactly normal barely even crossed her mind anymore.

Pulling on the first shirt she came across and the same jeans she'd worn yesterday, she made her way downstairs, and was whole heartedly disappointed to find that her parents were actually in, for like the first time in forever, which made a change for sure, but it most definitely wasn't a welcome one.

"What time do you call this?" Mrs Simmons raised her eyebrows right off her goddamn forehead, well, she wasn't Brendon Urie so it wasn't like she had an unnerving excess of forehead space, was it?

Alicia pulled her cellphone out of her pocket, reading the time displayed upon her lock screen aloud. "Six minutes past four." And really, judging by her mother's glare, that wasn't exactly the kind of answer she was looking for here.

"And where are you going?" Her father piped up from the corner of his room, looking up from his work laptop for about the first time in ten years. "You're dressed up to go out. Is that it? Barely two minutes here before you're off to god knows where?"

"Well, it's not exactly like you're here all the time, is it?" Alicia snapped, rolling her eyes, and knowing that this wasn't an argument she wanted to get into right now, let alone had the time for, but whatever, Bob would probably be stoned enough to believe it was nineteen sixty four if she told him so.

"Don't speak to your father like that!" Mrs Simmons stood up, looking her daughter up and down with a million questions at the back of her mind. "You owe us both an apology for your behaviour. You've slept and been out all weekend - are you not going to do your homework or spend some time with us or anything?"

She snorted at that, unable to restrain herself from rolling her eyes, because goddamn, they were being fucking ridiculous now. "Spend time with you? Oh, I wish. Dad's always 'working' and you're at some coffee morning that seems to last seven months on end."

"Oh don't pull the neglect card, you're not the victim here, Alicia - you came down here and insulted both me and your father and I'm sorry, but I can't let you get away with that. You've changed in the past few months, you know, you used to be a lovely young lady, and now we get this... attitude... and all that make up... ridiculous."

"I'm surprised you noticed." Alicia had no self restraint by this point, reckoning that her mother deserved any insult she threw at her now, and really, Alicia was more than prepared to hide out in Bob's house for the next week or so until this all blew over and her parents had forgotten all about this for the sake of pride and their reputation.

"With you acting like this, it's hard not to." Mrs Simmons shook her head in her daughter's direction with a certain degree of disgust that succeeded spectacularly in ensuring that Alicia absolutely loathed her parents with every being of her existence. "And, no, you're not going out now. You're going to sit down and eat 'breakfast' with us, and we're going to have a serious talk about your attitude, young lady."

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