My new life 11

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Another chapter! I havn't written alot because I have had exams and a lot of other shizz on but I will try and write more by sunday. This story is far from over but the whole gang and courtcase thing will be over soon and things get much more interesting! But if people don't read, comment, vote and fan then I probably will just give up. :(

I dedicate this chapter to cookiedough634 because she was my first fan and comment and she is an amazing friend who is very supportive! Also her story my new eyes is a must read! I dedicate the kickass ninja bit to her specially :P



 I opened my eyes. I must of fallen asleep. I sighed and turned over. In the corner of my eye I saw something in the window. I turned to the window to get a better view. I froze. I saw Max, the gangster that killed all of those people. I closed my eyes and rubbed them. Hopping that I had imagined what I saw. Once I had opened my eyes, seconds later, there was nothing there.

 Had I imagined it? Or was it real? Has he found me? Fear jolted through my body. The horific image of all those people who were scared, looking for help, but no one coming. The shop assistant dead, a young woman who had a liftime cruely ripped away from her. They repeated in my head like a re run of friends, they were stuck there and I doubt they will ever go away. 

My stomach rumbled. "urgh" I wanted to hide in this room all alone because I wanted to be alone. I also really needed the toilet. I rolled out of bed but I forgot to put my legs down so instead of a swift movement onto my feet like I planned I ended up rolling off the bed and my legs got tangled in the sheets and I fell flat on my face. "Ow!" I pushed myself up off the floor with the little energy I had left and threw the pile of sheets on the bed.

 I put my ear to the door. It was silent. I decided to run to the bathroom, then run to the kitchen get food and run back to the bedroom and read a book to keep myself occupied. I had run out of my feel good books the Angus, thongs and perfect snogging collection and I was left with lots of romance novels. Normally I wouldn't mind but now I had learnt the hard way that love was a lie. I just didn't want to feel any emotion. I was training myself to feel numb.

 I took a deep breath and bolted for the bathroom. Then to the kitchen. I searched for a clean plate and opened the fridge. It was almost empty. I surpose the DC would need to come back soon or else we would starve. I hope he would have an update for us. I have no idea how long I can avoid everyone. I made myself a sandwich and I was looking through the cupboard for some crisps or chocolate when the door unlocked.

 The DC walked through the door locking it behind him. He had a big bag and set it on the table.

 "Coffee?" I asked.

 "Please" He replied. I flicked the kettle on and got out two mugs and filled them with coffee and milk. Once the kettle had boiled I poured the coffee and sat opposite him.

 "What on earth happened?" He demanded.


 "Don't play dumb. You have a split lip and a bruise on your face." Oh no. I had forgotten about that. He looked at me, waiting for an answer. I didn't know what to say. 

"I fell" was my short reply.

 "Don't even try it. Which one hit you?"

 "What? How did you know?"

 " I have seen lots of domestic abuse cases. I know the signs."

 "Oh" I hoped he would drop it. My hope was in vain.

 "So which one"

 I sighed. "Dan"

 "Right I will take him with me."

 "Wait. Why?"

 " I am arresting him."

 " Really?" I felt so relieved but I wanted to be completly sure before I got any false hope.

 "Yes you won't have to worry about him again."

 " Wow thanks. What about the gang?" I enquired.

 " They are being questioned so you will be out in a couple of days hopefully."

 "Thats great." Then i quickly remembered what he said. " Hopefully? whats that surpose to mean?"

 "Well we can't find the leader." 

"You can't find Max?" I now knew it wasn't a dream or my imagination. Max had found me.

 ~~~~~~ It finally worked and uploaded!!

After our chat the DC walked into the living room where Dan was sat. He walked over to Dan.

"I am arresting you on the suspicion of domestic abuse you do not have to say anything but anything you do say will be used as evidence in court-"

"No way dude get lost!" Dan tried to run. He grabbed my hair pulling it so hard I thought it was going to fall off. "You did this. Didn't you?" He pulled my hair even harder which I didn't even think was possible. A gasp escaped my lips but I would not let anything else show on my face. He was not going to win.

Anger boiled in my blood the I exploded. I slapped him in the cheek. He was distracted so I kneed him in the groin. He grunted and doubled over in pain I felt a weird thrill of being strong for once. Standing up for myself. Then I swung my leg anti clockwise in the air kicking him in the right side of his head. I twisted and whilst in the air I kicked his chest and watched him fly into the bookcase and collapse on the floor.

Scott and the DC just stared at me mouth open. "well arrest him." I said in a duh tone of voice. To be honest I was completely shock as well. I looked like a kick ass ninja and I didn't want to ruin the coolest moment of my life by being all what the hell!

The DC handcuffed an unconscious Dan and carried him to the door. " Will one of you guys open the door for me please." he called from the kitchen.

"Sure" I called. I doubted Scott could he was still in a lot of shock.

I ran to the kitchen and unlocked the door. I opened the top cupboard and found the biscuits I was searching for previously.

A cloth covered my mouth, smothering my screams. I started to feel tired. No! I must fight to stay awake! It was just so hard.

"Teri are you raiding the biscuit cupboard again?" chuckled Scott. The he walked through the door into the kitchen. "What the hell?" his mood uncharacteristically changed to pure anger. Who ever was behind dropped his hand from my mouth. Then i fell to the floor as darkness engulfed me.






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