My new life 21

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Love every one loads especially if you commented or voted. I really want to stay on the what's hot list and if you want me' to stay there the please vote!!


The court case was as horrific as I thought. I got to give evidence via webchat so that it would not upset me'. Well that was their theory. It still upset me' just as much because I had to relive many of my terrifying moments but I had Scott beside me' the whole time holding my hand. I felt very comforted knowing that he was there for me.

It turns out that Dan had locked Scott in the garage as he was getting back from the shop.

Scott was the most perfect boyfriend ever! He fussed over me a lot making sure that I was alright. He slept next to me' (not doing anything!) and comforted me' when I had a nightmare about Dan which were becoming less frequent because I had almost forgotten all about it but I could garentee that tonight I would get a nightmare.


After the court case I just went to bed and blocked everything out. Scott brought me' a big mug of hot chocolate with mini marshmallows cream and chocolate shaving's on top. I gave him a kiss and started to drink my amazing drink. I must say it made me feel better.

Scott walked up to the tv and pulled a DVD out. He put it into the DVD player and sat back down on his bed and pulled me into his arms. He wrapped a woollen blanket around me and I sipped my drink as Angus thongs and perfect snogging came on.

He was so sweet putting my favourite film on. It was my favourite because it reminded me' of my old life in England. The all English cast and the clumsiness which reminded me' of my old life.

I must of fallen asleep because I woke up with the sun shining, birds singing, the most amazing guy ever lying next to me. Everything seemed perfect, like all of those bad days had gone and everything was going to be better now.

I looked at Scott and had an epiphany. We acted so much like a married couple. We live together, sleep in the same bed (not doing what you are thinking!!!) we look out for each other, listen to each other, do extra little things such as me' surprising him with his favourite dinner.

Scott through out the whole ordeal had been there for me. He was my rock. The only thing that stopped me from crumbling and falling into a mess. I owed him more than I could ever give.

I loved him more than I could ever say.

I needed to make sure this summer was the best he ever had, starting today.

I walked out of Scotts room and put the pan on. I grabbed some eggs and ham and cheese and made an omelette.

I stuck the kettle on and made two cups of coffee and carried it all up stairs to him.

As soon as I entered the room he lifted his head. He must be able to smell the food. He propped himself up on his elbows and with his eyes still squinting looked around the room. As his eyes gazed on me they fluttered open.

"Breakfast in bed!" I said

I walked over to him and set the tray down on his lap. I crawled back into bed on the other side which I had left this morning and grabbed my coffee.

He devoured the omelette in no time.

"Guess what." I said



"You won the lottery."


"you won a pair of shoes"


"You had a good dream."

"Wow your really bad at this game! We are going out to the arcade and we an catch a flick in the cinema like we did the first time we met."

"Sounds great." he said as he pulled me' into a kiss.


Sorry this chapter is a bit boring And the next one might be a bit but after that it becomes epic!! I just need to put a bit of a filler in at the moment but it is well worth the wait!

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