My new life :) 3

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I thought I would add a few more characters because people don't seem to like my story :( so I hope this part is much better!


I looked up startled and to my surprise there was a lad about my age standing in front of me on my yard staring at me. He had dark hair and dark eyes that made him have that air of mystery this matched a mischievous smirk on his face would make anyone’s heart melt.

“Are you tired because you have been running through my mind all night?"  He said looking me up and down. Scratch what I have just said just by opening his big mouth he had ruined everything.

I stared at him in amazement. He really thought that the cheesy chat up line would work. I raised one eyebrow and said "Is that the best you've got?"

“How about I pick you up at 7 and you can find out?" He asked. He was just so cocky that it annoyed me.

"How about you get off my front yard before I kick you off it". I threatened. His attitude was really starting to bug me and I had only met him less than a minute ago.

"Ahh playing hard to get are we." he assumed

"I am not playing hard to get. I am hard to get." I retorted I was pretty proud of myself for my witty comeback.

"And what would it take to 'get' you?" He said making speech marks in the air when he said get.

"A lot more than a cheesy chat up line" I stated and with that I turned and walked off. I didn't want him to dampen my good mood.

“Hey I didn't even get your name." He called after me

"You haven’t earned that either." I called not looking back because he was not worth it.

“Same time tomorrow?" He asked laughing.

I slammed the door shut, that wasn't even worth answering. I could see straight away that he thought he was God’s gift to women and he defiantly was not.

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