An unexpected change 30

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I havn't written for ages so i am sorry but lots of revision needs to be done and so for the next month it might be a bit hit and miss if i upload but i will do my best!

hope u enjoy!!


I walked over to a shelf full of baseball bats. I grabbed one and flipped it in the air and caught it one handed. I was livid, I was seeing red.

I stormed out of the gym and up to the lockers just outside.Letting my anger take over I smashed the first locker and a dent appeared, a strange satifying feeling engulfed me. I hit it again and the bottom hinge fell of leaving the door swinging. A can of red spray paint caught my eye. I snatched the paint from the locker a many brilliant ideas formulating in my head . I searchd through his locker but I found nothing of interest to me. Then I decided to do a bit of art as I sprayed the inside of his lockers with 'Teri waz here'.

I picked up the bat again not caring if it was dry or not and released all of my anger onto the lockers. The crunch of the metal made a relaxing sound which seemed to satisfy my anger slightly.

I was tired of being used and hurt. Sick of the way people treated me. Unlike before I was fully changed now, there was no doubt about it. I had learnt my lesson and I was never going to forget it. Everytime I opened up someone would come and stab me in the back, but now I don't care.

The eight lockers were completely smashed and a pile of crumpled doors lay on the floor. I took in deep breaths and I tried to calm myself down.

In and out , I told myself, I think it was working until I was interrupted by a deep voice "What the hell have you done?" he yelled.

I swung around still holding my bat. I was aware that my anger was rising up inside me.

"Mess with me and you don't get away with it." I yelled as I turned around.

A group of shocked boys including a few from volleyball earlier and Josh stood with their mouths hanging open dumbfounded as to how the seemingly harmless new girl could grab a baseball bat and trash their lockers.

To be honest I was a bit dumbfounded at myself. I was always a sweet innocent girl who never wanted to hurt anyones feelings. That person now was dead inside me. Gone forever. Left in the compassionate heart was a cold hard stone one. The only emotion I could now feel was anger and lots of it.

People stopped and stared as they walked past at the crazed new girl who was brave enough or dumb enough, in some peoples opinion, to trash the popular lads lockers.

I heard whispers as heavy footsteps trudged around the corner. I had a premonition of who it was but I didn't care. Not anymore.

The principle stood speachless for a while amazed at how much anger was in me. Then his face slowly turned red.

"My office now!" he yelled his voice echoed around the deathly scilent halls.

I swung my bat over my shoulder and walked to his office with my head held high to proove to everyone that i was not sorry.

As I approched the office I looked in the glass of the door and saw the reflection of a mass of people following me. I turned around to see a sea of students eager to know what will happen next. As soon as I had turned everyone froze they had turned into statues not dareing to move or speak.

I pulled open the principles office door and made myself comfy in the big chairs waiting for his arrival shortly after my own.

The principle closed the door and sat on his desk trying to intimidate me. That was deffinatly a failed mission before it even began. Who would you be scared of, a spindely man in a suit or a girl who clearly has anger issues and has just smashed lockers with a baseball bat she still is carrying?

Next came the shouting. I had absoulutly no idea what he was saying. It just sounded like a different language, I could hear the shouting but I had no idea what he was saying.

I was in my own little world until something abruptly brought me back to reality.

"What would your parents say?" He questioned. That had struck a nerve. He had hit below the belt. That was just way too far.

"My parents wouldn't care less. My parents wouldn't care if I was dead." I errupted just like a volcano.

"Stop exaggerating." He bellowed.

"You have no idea what my parents are like. They left me, kicked me out to live on the streets. So don't you dare tell me I am exaggerating." and with that I stormed out of his office.

I ran out of the school as far as I could go. Until I was so tired that I had no more strenght in me. I put my bat on the floor and grabbed my phone to ring Jeeves.

"Hello" said a very familiar voice.

"Could you pick me up please?"


"I had an incident at school."

"Where are you?"

"Ermm near a ihop."

"Ok I will be there in five minuets don't move."


I put the phone down and walked into the very welcoming smell of the best pancakes ever! I took a seat and ordered chocolate pancakes while I waited for Jeeves to arrive.

I was just given my pancakes when Jeeves arrived.

"What did you do?" he asked

"Well" I was interupted by his phone ringing.

"Yes this is he." he said in a confused tone.

"Did she? Ok. Yes I understand. Goodbye." He then put the phone down and turned to look at me. "That was your school" he explained. "Did you really smash up lockers?"

"Yes but only because they were being really horrible to me."

"I'm sorry but they have expelled you for damaging the school."

"I suppose I had it comeing." I said glumly as I dug into my pancakes.

Once I had finished eating my phone went off. I picked it up and saw a number that I never thought I would see again.

"What do you want?" I snapped

"Now now Teri is that anyway to talk to your mother."

"Mother?" I scoffed " You are no mother of mine."

"Really? Shame the law doesn't see it that way."

"What do you mean?"

"You still belong to me until you turn 18 meaning you have to do whatever I want you to."

"I am not coming back to live with you." I yelled earning me a few stares."

"No I don't want you to live with me. I heard about you aggresuve outbreak at school today. i have decided to send you to a special school where they will sort you out. Want to know what the best part is? You have to go because you don't get a choice." She said her voice dripping with dark humour.

"A special school?" I questioned.

"Yes S.T. Agnes"

"What?" I asked still quite confused.

"You are going to a school for nuns!" She said excitedly.

"No way you will have to make me"

"Oh I will." she threatened. The problem is my mother always gets what she wants.


bet you didnt know that was going to happen!!! How will she cope in a school for nuns????

Well if you want to find out you need to vote and comment!

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