An Unexpected Change 36

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A week left of school! How amazing!!!!! It is even better that there is no more work to do so I am loving it :D

here is a bit more for you guys but don't worry when I said victim it wasn't exactly what you thought.


As I walked around the huge department store I grabbed a ton of clothes for me to try on and for Becky as well. Once Lee and Becky's arms were full I dragged them into the changing rooms.

"Becky try all that stuff on." she looked at me like I had just lost my mind. "That's your stuff to try on and don't even bother arguing." I told her.

I grabbed the pile from Lee's arm and walked into the changing room. I have to sdmit that it was I felt uncomfertable since my last experiance was crazy but I knew I shouldn't worry because what were the chances of it happening again? 1 in a million but then that was about the same chance for it happening the first time. I grabbed my first outfit and walked out to see Becky.

After hours in the changing room we had finally decided what to buy. I grabbed my pile and Beckys and walked to the till.

"What are you doing with my pile?" she questioned.

"Buying it." I replied in my duh voice.

"No I can't afford it." She told me.

"But I can."

"You can't."

"I can and I will. Don't worry about it I have it all covered." I reassured her.

After I payed for everything we took a trip to the ladies so I could change out of my dirty clothes. I changed into ripped skinny jeans a white strappy top and a leather jacket. I changed my grubby trainers for a pair of high heeled ankle boots. Becky changed as well from her old goody two shoes clothes to a much more rock chic look like myself. She didn't seem to mind. I think she wanted a change. I also think that she was relieved that I took her under my wing.

After changeing we went to the food court before I collapsed out of hunger. I watched Lee stare at Becky and her blush. It was just too funny. She did look amazing though. It was amazing to see how, just because of new clothes her confidence sky rocketed. She was laughing and jokeing with Lee and even flirting. Something which I never thought she would do. I would need to giv her a master class, just because she was flirting doesn't mean she was doing it well!

After eating we walked around a lot more shops buying a ton of things. I don't even know it it would fit in our wardrobes but ah well, who cares! We ended up in a furniture store. Which to be honest was wierd but I stopped in the window.

"Are you ok?" Lee asked me.

"Yes. I just want to go in here." I walked into the shop and stopped infront of the amazing chair. It was a bubble chair. The most amazing chair ever!

"Can I get this please." I asked the assistant.

"Sure would you like anything else?" she asked me.

"I would like that floor lamp." I pointed to the one in the corner. "Oh and that rug please, and the huge painting of the union jack as well please." I said.

I saw in the corner of my eye a jukebox and an amazing pinball machine.

Right there and then I decided that our dorm needed a make over and it was going to look amazing!


SORRY its so short but i will upload more as soon as possible. In the next chapter it is when she meets the popular people and you can bet that it will be good!

please comment so I know if you liked it!

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