My new life 12

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Like I promised I have written more.

Please enjoy


Beep beep. This really annoying sound was repeating in my head. Had I gone mad? Probably I had a really weird dream about me being a ninja and attacking Dan.

I opened my eyes and I was blinded by the brightness. Once my eyes had adjusted I could see the whole room was white. I tried to sit up but as I did something pulled on my arm. I turned my head and a needle was stuck in my arm. I hate needles so I quickly looked away trying to forget about it.

I turned my head the other was and saw a monitor like the ones in hospitals. Wait! Needle, monitor, white room. I was either in a hospital or heaven. I am pretty sure in heaven they don't stick needles in your arms so I guess I'm in the hospital.

How did I get here? I really wanted to pull the needle out and go find someone. Ask them to explain.

"Teri?" I turned to see Scott. Well a very tired and ruff looking Scott. He still looked cute even if- no he doesn't! Emotionless!

"What happened?" I asked my voice cracked.

"Max tried to kidnap you. He drugged you then you collapsed. Me and Max had a fight and I wasn't doing so well. He knocked me on the floor. He walked over to you and kept kicking you. The DC walked in after that and gave me a hand. He arrested Max. I am so sorry that I didn't protect you. This is all my fau-"

"Don't even try to blame yourself. You were amazing! Thank you so much."

"For what? I let you get hurt." he said in a disgusted tone.

"Without you I would of been kidnaped be Max and he would of done who knows what to me." I took his hand and looked into his eyes. "You saved me."

Before I could even think we were kissing. I have to be emotionless. I can't get hurt again. I have to pull away but I can't. Mind over matter. I pulled away.

Scott had a huge smile on his face. "I will get the doctor."

"Ok" not much of a reply I know but I can't believe I gave in that easily. I am such a wimp! He leaned in for another kiss. I turned it at the last minute converting lips to cheek. Scott seemed more confused than anything but walked out of the room.

About 5 minuets later a middle aged doctor walked in. He asked me lots of questions about how I felt then checked the monitor. "Well there seems to be no long lasting damage. I am going to keep you in over night then if everything is in order you may leave."

"Thanks doc" I smiled. I could go home tomorrow. I get to see my family. To go outside. To be free.

The doctor left the room leaving me and Scott alone. Bad idea! I looked over to the clock it said 9:30 pm. Late enough to go to sleep. Yay I have got my excuse. "Scott I'm really tired so I am gonna go to sleep."

"ok sweet dreams." he got up and kissed my forehead. I rolled over and drifted into a deep dreamless sleep.

I woke up and had a shock when I saw Scott asleep on a chair next to my bed. He seemed so vulnerable. His rhythmic breathing calming me in an unexplainable way. He looked far too cute with his hair covering his eyes.

The doctor pocked his head into my room. "Teri you are free to leave now."

"thank you doctor."

"you are a very lucky girl."

An Unexpected ChangeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя