My new life 24

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I closed the door and sat down on the bench steadying my breathing. I was unsure whether I would be able to sand up let alone control my big mouth. I sat shcoked and unsure what two do. All I could think of was two options.

Option 1 is to go out there yelling the odds break up with Scott and slap that evil twisted Trina.

Option 2 is carry on like nothing happened and then make him and her pay. At the moment plan 1 seemed a good idea because I really wanted to scream and hit both of them. Then again torturing them seemed like a good idea but could I carry on like nothing had happened? What if he tried to kiss me? The idea of kissing him repulses me. We live together so could I take the pressure of being with him 24/7 and through out that whole time I would have to control myself.

Why not do both? It would mean I will have to move out from Scott's but I couldn't stand to be near him. I still have my dad's guilt money so why not book into a fancy hotel and treat myself?

I felt completley hurt by what he had done to me and I knew he old me would have stayed here and cried her eyes out and then rushed to her friends to ask for advise but that Teri was gone. I felt my heart turn stone cold and all I could feel was the heat of anger boiling inside me. I stood up and swung the door back, my strength being resored once again. They were going to pay. If it was the last thing I did and no matter the cost, they would pay.

I made my way back to the car park and as I passed a home ec class room I suddenly had a brilliant idea. I tried the handle and luckily it was unlocked. I looked down the corridors and as soon as I was sure that there was no one around I snuck inside. I headed over to the food store but it when I went to pull the handle I discovered was locked. I was gutted that my idea had been ruined. I turned to head out when an object caught my eye. It was a carton of eggs lay open on the side.

My plan is back on! I grabbed them and smirked as adrenaline pumped around my body as I made my way back to the parking lot. I headed out of the door I could see he had his back to me laughing with his friends. No one else had noticed I was here. I picked up my first egg and threw it at the back of the traitors head.

It cracked and the contents slid down his head. Oh sweet revenge! I noticed Trina a little away talking to the group as well. I threw one at her and it hit her in the side of her backstabbing head.

"OMG" she yelled "My hair is ruined."

"You didn't think you would actually get away with it did you? Yer that's right I know" I changed to look straight into his eyes. "Watch your back!"

I threw an egg and it hit him straight between the eyes.

"On second thoughts maybe watch the front so I won't get you so easily next time!" I jeered. This was just too fun. I could feel myself feeling so much better and watching his face turn into a mask of horror. The satisfaction of my actions amplifed by the look on his face. He never thought he would be found out but he forgot who he was messing with. Every kiss every touch was a lie. I had to detach myself completley, this was no longer Scott the man I loved. This was a twisted man who hurt me. He was nothing to me anymore.

I threw the remaining three eggs at him and watch them splatter down his face. Trina was smart enough to drive away when I was hitting Scott so that I wouldn't throw another egg on her. She had no idea that this was far from over and I would get her. Same applies for Scott. No one cheats on me and gets away with it. This was just the begining of their hell.

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