An Unexpected Change 55

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Well this is it the END of my first ever story on wattpad. It took a while but at last it is done and I will miss writing it but don't worry guys THERE WILL BE A SEQUAL. I will upload that on the 1st December so please check it out when it is up.

Thank you to all of my fans who have read this book and commented and voted and please ask your mates to read it and keep all the good work up.

PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT for my last chapter

Here it is the last chapter



My pillow was snoring. Confused I opened my eyes and J face was right in front of mine. I giggled at how cute he looked asleep. Don't get me wrong I am still as hard as a rock but J was my soft spot. I looked up and watched the clouds go by. Then I realised that once again me and J had slept outside but this time we were sharing a chair. I sat up and looked around to see if anyone else was around. Lee and Becks were on the chair next to us and they were both snoring. They looked really sweet.

"Teri." Jace whispered and pulled me back to him.

"What?" I whispered back.

"Don't leave me I'm tired." He told me.

"That doesn't make sense." I told him.

"It doesn't have to." Was his genius reply.

He pulled me into a big hug and so I stayed only to make him happy and partially because I was really comfy and didn't want this to end. I wanted to cherish this perfect moment, me and my boyfriend and my two bestmates all together even if the two bestmates sounded like a train. I closed my eyes and started to drift back off to sleep.

"Teri." This time it wasn't J.

I opened my eyes to see who it was and the principle was standing at the other side of the pool with two men in black suits and black sunglasses.

"errm yes." I said cautiously unwrapping J arms trying not to wake him up and sitting up as I did so.

"These gentlemen are from the MI6. They want to talk to you." The principle said.

I got up slowly and then I turned and ran. I ran as fast as I could and all I could think of was a place to hide. I couldn't let them take me away. Not now that I was happy that everything was finally going right. What could they want me for? Well I didn't have parental gardens but surely the social services would deal with that. I had the whole gun gang thing but they were locked up. Then there was escaping from the nun school but I still couldn't see a reason that the MI6 were involved and chasing me.

"Stop!" The man in the suit yelled as I ran back into the building. As if he believed yelling stop would actually make me stop.

I ducked into a small room filled with bedding. I crawled into the sheets and lay right at the back not daring to move. A load of thoughts raced through my head like what is it with me and hiding in cupboards?

I was pulled out of my many thoughts when I heard footsteps outside the door. As the door opened light rushed in and the door gave a quite creak.

"Where do you think she is?" A deep voice asked.

"I don't know." Replied the principle. "She has a skill at escaping though."

"What do you mean?" He asked him.

"Well the night she came here she had just escaped from St. Agnes and before that she had escaped from a hostage situation."

"But why did she run from us?" The deep voice asked.

"I am not quite sure you must have just surprised her." The principle replied.

"Teri, if you can hear me then please stop hiding you are not in trouble and these men will not hurt you." The principle informed me. "Please." He whispered. I couldn't refuse him.

I lifted the sheet off my head and crawled out from the back of the shelves. Whatever these men wanted it was important to the principle that I talk to them so I knew I had an obligation to do it.

"How on earth did you get in their and hide so well." The deep voice asked surprised. I could now see that the deep voice belonged to one of the men in black suits.

"I have a skill." I repeated the words I had heard from earlier.

"You were right she is really talented." He whispered to the principle I wasn't sur if I was supposed to hear that so I just pretended like I didn't.

"What do you want?" I asked them

"We heard you wanted to work in the MI6 and now after what we have just seen I think you would be perfect for the job. We could really use someone like you. How about you come and join us and I bet you will wiz through training in no time." The suit man said. I just looked at him

"Will you get me an apartment?" I asked thinking ahead because if not then I will be homeless.

"Done." He accepted beaming with a smile.

"And." I continued.

"There's more." He asked

"Just one more. I want to be known as 007." I said with my face looking completely seriously.

The men in suits looked to one another then the deep voice man nodded his head.

"Well gentlemen when do I start?"


REMEMBER 1ST DECEMBER I WILL UPLOAD THE SEQUAL. I havn't thought of a title yet but I will let you know when I have one.

Thanks for reading this chapter and the whole book.

I love everyone who has commented or voted so please leave me one last comment :D


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