An Unexpected Change 37

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Sorry about the delay but it is here now and I will upload as soon as possible promise!!!

Hope you enjoy it!


The journey back home was uncomfortable because I bought a bit too much stuff. I was sat with a ton of things on me and Becks was squashed in the back with literally a mountain of things on her. The only way we would get it all back is if we drove with the roof down which left us with the problem of things flying away so we had to try and hold all of the stuff down. Which is deffinatly not comfortable at all.

As soon as we arrived back to our room I started the make over. I have to say that all the instruction manuals didn't help much but in the end we got everything up and working. It took a lot of effort but within two hours the room looked amazing. The hanging bubble chair in the corner of the room next to the awesome floor lamp was my area which everyone else was forbidden from entering. The new look made me feel much better because now I had put my own mark on the otherwise boring and plain room. The next mission was to start sorting out the popular group but first I needed to do a little research.

"Becks where do the popular people hang out?" I asked bluntly.

"They hang out by the pool behind the school. They are so mean they won't let anyone go near it but it is the best part of the school with the chairs and pool and everything, well I suppose that is why they like it, they leave the rest of us with the crummy left over's." She replied.

Wow that was the most I had heard her say in the short time I knew her so they must get on her nerves. Well now the research was over time to think of a plan and get going.

"Grab the stereo Becks we are taking a walk." I told her as I walked to my special corner to grab my bat Betsy. Yes guys I still have her! But I must say that running with a bat down you trousers hurts a lot!

"Got it. What are we going to do now." Becky asked cautiously.

"Play music." I answered as if it was completely normal which in my world it was. I plugged my ipod into the speakers and turned the volume right up. Gives you hell by the all American rejects were blasting as we walked to the pool ready to meet the enemy. "Ok Becks head up at all times and no backing down."

"Ok" she agreed but I have to say that she wasn't too convincing. She was also very confused since I hadn't told her what we were up to. I knew she would object if I told her so I will let her work it out when it is too late to leave.

As we walked down the corridor out onto the grass I must admit we got a few stares and wierd looks but as soon as I gave them the 'what you lookin at' face they all ran off. I guess they must be freaked out by the agressive rock chic blasting out ' when you see my face hope it gives you hell' guess that might intimidate a few people. Although by the looks of it it was intimmidating more than just a few.

We turned the corner to find exactly what we had been looking for. A group of fit lads and airhead girls all say on chairs and sun loungers but the pool. It was just too cliché. It looked like I had just stepped into a cheesy high school film. I spotted the leaders straight away but to be fair you could spot them from a mile away. The sat on a raise part of the slabs at the head of all the other chairs. A bleached blonde girl and a muscular dark haired boy sat there. Walked straight towards the top, with Becks on my right hand side, ready to take my place as new queen of the school. As soon as I stepped on the poolside they all stopped and turned to me.

"Are you lost little girl? Shall I help you find your mommy?" The bleach blonde girl asked.

"No I don't have a mommy but maybe I could help you find a plastic surgeon cause you need one for that thing you call a face." I retorted. Her smirk soon vanished as the words came out of my mouth.

"You must be new. You don't understand how things work around here, well let me help you. I rule the school and you stay out of my way. This is were the cool people sit dorks like you should go to the library." She said patronising me.

"Yes I am new but here is some info for you. No one rules me, I go where ever I want and patronise me again and I will kick your arse so hard that you won't sit down for a week!" I explained calmly but let my evil glare let her know I wasn't joking.

"Ha how are you going to beat me and all these people?" she questioned finding it amusing

"Try me" I threatened.

"Fine Brick and Flynn show her who is boss."

I watched two of the tallest lads there walk towards me but I was not scared. The music changed to Muse Supermassive Black hole, it was very suitable in this situation, me with my baseball bat at the ready. "Bring it on." I yelled as I got into my batting position.

They both charged at me at the same time but I knew what was coming. They were just going to use force and I had to use skill and agility to beat them. When they were both quite close I hit the one on my left in the shin as hard as I could. As I predicted it distracted them both and I ran to the side of the hurt guy and used a forceful kick to send them both tumbling into the water. They all looked stunned but I moved forward towards the girls lay on the sun loungers. I grabbed the two girls by the hair and then kicked them both into the pool.

The next thing I know two more lads get up and run towards me. I pick up the sun lounger next to me and throw it at them. I then run into them and watch as they both fall backwards into the pool on top of everyone else who is already in there.

My attention turns to one girl remaining on a table and before I evern get to her she runs and jumps into the pool. I have to say that it was pretty funny to see how scared of me she was. I turned to the head girl and lad.

"Still think you can beat me?" I asked.

"This is not the end of this." She shouted.

"Oh really? Clear off or else a whole lot more anger is coming your way." I yelled at her.

The dark haired lad walked up to me. "That was pretty impressive. I like a girl who can take control. How about you come to my room at ten and I can introduce myself to you properly."

I walked closer so that I could whisper in his ear. Just before I said anything I grabbed his arm when he was distracted and then flipped it behind his back and twisted it. "Talk to me again and I will beat you up." I whispered as I walked over to the pool and threw him in.

I strolled over to the seats where the leaders were once sitting and took my place. "Becks have a seat." I motioned her to sit on the seat next to me. She sat down and put the speakers onto the table. "And that my friend is how the British do it."


So what do you think?

Please comment and also check out my other works as well especially my first poem and let me know what you think!

I will upload more as soon as possible.

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