An Unexpected Change 47

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Been on my hols in Ireland so there was no wifi so I couldn't upload.

I was unsure if I should take out the whole gang shooting witness protection part because i don't know if it draws you in or it makes you think that it is unrealistic but i don't know so what do you think??

Here is the next part and i don't think that there are many chapters left but I might write a sequel but I don't know how often I would upload because I have lots of exams this year but it depends i might not write one it depends on the feedback from this book if people liked it loads whether i will write a second book.

That has got to be the longest authors note I have ever written :S


Lee decided to drop me. I ended up lay on my back in a lot of pain. He was so going to pay for that. The bell rang for the end of the lesson. Becks and Lee stood in the corner I guessed that they wanted privacy to talk about things so I walked off to lunch.

"Oh look at the little loner. What are you going to do with out your little sidekicks?" Rachel jeered.

"Don't you get tired of me constantly beating you?" I questioned.

"You haven't beaten me." As soon as the words came out of her mouth she reached behind her and grabbed Jace and full on snogged him in front of me. She pulled away from him "I win" She said in a sing song voice.

"Ptsh you don't win. I have two best mated who are there for me through everything what have you got. A crew of bimbo's who only feed off your popularity and followed by lads who just want to get into your pants. You treat other people badly just to make yourself feel better. So I would much rather be me a kick ass chick with the best friends a person could have instead of a pathetic loner who hides behind other people." I turned around and walked towards the food.

I grabbed a burger and took my usual seat on the table by the window. Watching her kiss Jace hurt a lot but as usual I turned that pain into anger. I was wound up and everyone had better stay away from me.

"Where's your friends then Teri. I thought there were always there for you?" Rachel asked in a baby voice.

I looked up to see her clinging on to Jace. She went too far this time. I grabbed my burger and threw it at her face. I grabbed my bottle of coke and threw it at her and Jace. I walked over to the kid next to me and I grabbed his food which was pasta in a red sauce and threw it at them. I kept throwing food at them. I just was so angry that I started to throw whatever I could get my hands on at them. I had officially lost it. I grabbed the food covered Rachel and threw her over my shoulder and carried her out of the canteen. The whole room followed after us to see what would happen. I dropped her by the side of the pool. This was going to end now.

"This is going to stop now!" I screamed I was so furious. "No more stupid games, no more thinking you are God's gift to the nation cause news flash you are not"

"And you are?" She retorted.

"Of course not I am here to give you a reality check. So back off and leave me and everyone else in this school alone because next time I promise you that you won't get off so easily. Oh and I think you need a bath you stink. I said as I pushed her into the pool." I stormed off to go and grab my bag. I had to walk past Jace "Go save your girlfriend." I said in disgust not even making eye contact.

"Teri where is everyone?" Lee asked his hand was firmly gripping Becks. I was happy for them.

"Enjoying the show." I replied.

"What show?" Becks asked cautiously.

"I will tell you later I am going to get rid of some steam. See you in a bit." I grabbed my bag and headed for the gym.

The further I walked the angrier I was until I threw open the gym door dumped my bag on the floor and grabbed the gloves. I punched the bag harder than I had ever punched before. All my anger was falling into the punch. I just wanted to get rid of all of my pain and the only way I knew how was anger.

I punched the bag for hours and I could see that the room was dark but I didn't move to put the lights on. I was in my zone. I thought by now my fist would be in pain but nothing. The adrenaline was pumping so much that I couldn't feel anything.

"Teri?" a small voice asked.

I turned around to see Becks. "Yes" I replied.

"Are you mad at me?"

"Of course not why on earth would you think that?"

"Is it because me and Lee are together?"

"I told you I am not mad at you or Lee I am happy you are together and if you remember I was the one who wanted you to get together."

"Is it Jace?" she asked.

"No." I replied in a harsh tone.

"Well there is a party at the pool in an hour and the principle has a big announcement so come with me." She begged.

I looked at her. It would break her heart if I said no. "Fine" I gave in.

She dragged me back to our room so I could help her pick an outfit. I walked into our closet and grabbed a black dress for Becks and a pair of shorts and a top for me. I didn't bother with my hair or make up and I spent all of the time doing Becks make up.

"Come on Lee is waiting." She dragged me to the party.

She was like a meerkat searching for Lee. It was quite sweet actually. "Chill." I told Becks. "Let's grab drinks." I pulled her to the table in the corner. I grabbed a bottle and gave one to Becks. She looked really nervous.

"Boo." Becks jumped as Lee was laughing so much after scaring her. I made my escape before all the couple stuff started. It's not that I had anything against it but the need talk and stuff they have been only dating a couple of hours.

I walked into the crowd and joined in with the dancing. As I was dancing I noticed that the top table was empty so I decided to go and relax over there for a bit. I sat on the chair and put my feet up looking over all of the people.


"Yes." I looked up at the principle.

"Do you mind singing a few songs please? You were really good last time and people have been requesting you."

Wow people actually wanted me to sing. "Sure I am not doing anything." I walked up to the small stage and grabbed the microphone. The crowd cheered before I even sung a note. "Time to educate your taste in music, this is down with the trumpets buy Rizzle kicks."

As I sang I decided to have some fun and started to dance. The crowd joined in I felt such a rush. When I was singing people weren't scared of me so they didn't avoid me.

At the end of the song the principle came up on the stage. "Students I have an announcement. The school hasn't got enough funding. I am sorry to tell you this but we are closing down."


so a bit of a cliff hanger so I will try to upload soon :D

Hope you liked it please leave me a comment! :D

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