An Unexpected Change 51

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really sorry for the wait it's my first week back at school and i have had loads of afterschool stuff and meetings. I don't really know when the next time i can upload will be because this year is filled with big exams and a load of homework but i will do my best! :D


I went to the gym for the rest of the day whilst Becks and Lee went out on their date. I just punched the bag as usual but this time I didn't feel angry. I was calm. I didn't even know why,  I decided to hope onto the bike and peddle instead. I turned my ipod up and just listened to the beat.

I felt someone tap my shoulder so I swung around. It was Jace so I took my head phones out.

"Yes?" I asked.

"We have rehearsal."

"Ok im coming." I grabbed my bag off the floor and slung it over my shoulder. I walked behind him all the way to the theater.

"Good your here. I wanted to run through a few ideas with you. I would like you to sing two songs for me. The first will be an unbeat fast pase song with lots of dancing and lifts and the second will be a slow and powerful sad song." The crazy lady told me. I couldn't even open my mouth because she dragged my onto the stage and put the music on. Moves like Jagger blared through the speakers and the crazy lady was standin infront of me.  "Copy me." She yelled over the music.

I did what she said and followed her step by step three times through the song. "OK now I will show you the lifts. First stand behind him. Jace will grab your waist and legs and you fit into his waist as he spins you. Second Jace put your left leg out bent slightly. Now Teri put your right arm around his waist. No not like you are huging him the other way. Thank you. Now Jace grab her waist. now Teri put your hand on his knee and propell yourself upside down balancing on his knee."

I gave her a 'are you crazy look' but she insisted. By the end of the session we were told anothe rlift where Jace grabs one arm and one leg and then spins me.

She made us go through the routine a million times until the song was ettched into my brain. I was so tierd but we hadn't even attempted to sing at the same time. When she said energetic she wasn't joking. She told us same time tomorrow I just stared at her. She was trying to kill me!

I crawled back to my room and rolled over the back of the sofa and landed on the soft cushions. I don't think I will be able to make it to my bed tonight.

"Teri" Becks yelled.

"Becks I love you but please shut up." I moaned into the cushion.

"She's moody." Lee stated.

"Lee?The crazy lady made me balance upside down and swing round and dance but not sing yet. She is trying to kill me!" I cried.

"I think she has had a long day." Becks said.

"Uh hu. How did the date go?" I asked.

"Amazing." Lee replied and Becks was giggling.

"Aww you are just too cute together!"

Lee moved my feet and pushed me into the corner of the sofa while he and Becks sat next to me. I didn't really care I was just so sleepy.

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I remember was Jace waking me up telling me we had rehearsal.

"Please don't take me to that crazy woman." I begged.

"Come on." He urged.

"No." I wined.

"It's to save the school." He reminded me.

I sighed but got up anyway. Jace waited for me on the sofa and before I walked out of my room. "She is still a crazy lady" I muttered.

Our rehearsal was very much like yesterday's lots of work and effort. I really enjoyed it though. We even had to attempt to sing whilst dancing which went alright. It was just really distracting when the crazy lady is yellin for you to point your toes whilst you are spinning round at high speed trying to hold a note.

"How's it going Teri?" The principle asked as he popped his head around the door.

"With a bit of practice it will be epic." I replied truthfully.

"Good. The posters and fliers are being made today the show is next Friday."

I stood in shock. "Next friday?" I asked hopind he was mistaken.

"Yes. We need the money really soon. I will leave you to practice." He said in a rush and left.

"Jace" I called. "It's next Friday so lets step this up. From the top." I yelled to the music guy.

I put the energy I had into the rehearsal because I knew how desperatly we needed to pull this off. Other students were backstage working on stage design and lighting for the show. Others were working on costumes and programmes. People were everywhere practesing and organising everthing for this show. The whole school students and teachers alike were working hard to save the school. It really was an amazing sight to see.


Really sorry this is a really bad chapter. At the moment I have writers block and I don't really feel very motivated to write. I think I am just really tierd with school and that but i will upload next weekend hopefully.

Please leave a comment for me :D

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