An Unexpected Change 38

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I wrote tons for you guys so please comment for me!!


I had no idea how long we were sat at the table I was just kicking back and chilling when a voice interrupted my peace.

"Ahh so it's true. The looney new girl kicked the cool lot out of their territory." I looked up and saw it was Lee.

"That is very true and did you also here that they all ended up in the pool?"

"That I did but I must say for only being here one day you have made quite a stir already."

"Just what I like to hear. I would hate for anyone to forget about me." I joked.

"Trust me when I say everyone knows you now so there is no way you could ever be forgotten."

"Come, take a seat and chill with us." I told him.

He pulled up a chair and sat between me and Becky. I watched as her cheeks went a darker shade of red which made me laugh. I was defiantly going to tease her about that when we get back to our room later.

"So do you need another sidekick to help you with your evil plans?" Lee questioned.

"That would be great but I think sidekick doesn't sound cool enough how about my wingmen but then Becky is a girl, or so we hope. Or you could be my flankers. Which do you prefere?" I questioned.

"I don't mind what do you think Becky?" Lee turned to Becky as he asked her the question.

"I- erm - I don't mind." She stuttered.

"How about we say whatever feels right for the occasion at the time." I compromised.

"Sounds good to me." Lee replied.

"And me." Beck added just to make herself feel included in the conversation. Oh how that girl does make me laugh!

We flicked through my Ipod and listened to all of my amazing music until the night drew in and we ended up sitting under the stars. They were very clear out here where there weren't that many people. It made me feel so peaceful looking at the night sky. Feeling much more peaceful than I had felt in a long time. The strange thing was that only being here for 24 hours a new feeling had emerged, a feeling of belonging. I felt that this was where I was supposed to be which I had not felt since I left England. These two people I had only met this morning were my best friends and I would do anything for them. This strong connection we have is unexplainable but I had a feeling that I might be able to stay here at the school for a lot longer than any other school. My miserable life has started to turn around. I had good friends an awesome room, no rules and a principle that loved me and wanted me to torment the popular people, I mean really could life get any better?

Speak of the devil and he shall arrive. "Teri, Becky, Lee? What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Oh I made the mean kids share with me." I told him innocently but we both knew what had happened.

"Was anyone hurt?" He asked me.

"No they just felt like taking a swim on their way out." I replied keeping my face completely innocent.

I saw him smile slightly. "It is 10 on a school night so off you go to your rooms or else you wont get up tomorrow." He told us. "Teri could I speak to you quickly please?"

"Sure what's up?" I asked.

He waited until Lee and Becks had disappeared around the corner. "I know that I have asked a lot from you already but I couldn't help see that already you have ready have respect from the pupils I just wondered if there was a trick you have?"

"Not really." I replied honestly. "I am tough at first so everyone knows not to mess with me and then I am nice to the nice people and mean to the mean people, but I don't think you can do that because you aren't allowed to have favourites.

"Oh well thanks for your help." He said as he turned around.

"Wait did someone say something to you?" I asked.

"I just heard some students say that I was boring nothing much."

"That's not a respect issue. Trust me it has nothing to do with respect."

"Well then what is the problem?"

"You need to prove to them you are fun."

"Well how do I do that?" he inquired

"I only have one idea and if you did this you would be a legend for ever."

"What is it?"

"Throw a party." I told him.


"Right here by the pool. It is a perfect place."

"I expect you would all want alcohol."

"Well we can get around that. All you need is non alcoholic wine in the punch and empty beer can then pour the non alcoholic beer in it. Then all you need is bottles with really low alcohol content so people wont catch on. It's the placebo effect. They will all think they are drunk when they are not, same fun but no danger."

"That's actually a really good idea." He sounded surprised.

"Ouch don't sound so surprised at me having a good idea, I told you I was smart."

He laughed. "Thanks for the advice now off to bed and make sure you go to class in the morning."

"Yes of course." I said as I walked back to my room.

The corridors were deserted as I walked along. When I finally reached my room I unlocked the door and went inside. I walked into the bedroom and saw Becky sat on the single bed opposite my own.

"What did he say?" She questioned before I could even sit down.

"He wanted my advice so now he is throwing a party." I replied

"How did that happen." She asked perplexed

"Cause I rule" I told her and I changed into my pyjamas. I sat on my bed and crossed my legs as I faced her. She copied my position. "So you like Lee." I said it as a statement instead of a question.

"No way."

"I saw the way you looked at him; you blush whenever you see him and stutter. I also saw you horrific attempt at flirting." I said. She blushed.

"I don't know how to flirt properly."

"I could see that." I told her honestly.

"Could you teach me?" She asked.

"I thought you would never ask!"

"You want to look at him through your eyelashes for a few seconds then turn and smile then look back. Copy me."

Her first attempt was very scary but after about her fifth attempt she got the idea. I then proceeded to teach her that boys are all about ego's and for get a boy to fall for you, you have to big up his ego, like laugh at his jokes ask him to help you and stuff like that.

"This stuff works?" she asked doubtfully.

"Like a charm if you do it properly. I am going to go to sleep now we can practice more tomorrow. Night."

Becks flicked the light off and I drifted off into a deep peaceful sleep.


I would like your ideas of what you want to happen next and be as inventive as you can be!!

please comment for me! :D

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