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Edward would visit the little pub in London every other day .

Hannah Abbott accepted the Muggle cash without argument because she was happy for his visits.

Soon enough he began doing odd jobs for her because he wanted to be of use .

Hannah became his first friend in the Wizarding World without knowing that he wasn't really supposed to be there . He knew the secret without revealing to her that he was just a Vampire who'd stumbled in from the streets of Muggle London.

He did things like cleaning ,serving customers and run errands into Diagon Alley for her .

The first time going into the Alley , Hannah had accompanied him .

If she hadn't come along , he'd have no chance getting in .

The Alley was something else . It was awesome . A whole new place for him to explore .

He haven't talked  to Carlisle about it yet because he felt strangely reluctant to share this new experience with him and the rest of his family.
Especially Alice that would go blabbing to Bella.

Then there was also the girl ,Gaia ,that he'd found worked in Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

He'd gone in there one day and saw her there behind the cash register.

She'd given him a bright and friendly smile , but behind that smile was a sadness that he somehow understood because he himself held such a sadness .

He'd realised after meeting her again that she is the girl he'd bumped into that very first day of him coming to the pub and he'd wondered if he'd see her again.

He tried his utmost best to make friends with her even though he was sure that she didn't want to .

Soon enough he began living at The Leaky Cauldron and found himself integrated into this strange Wizarding society where he felt good most days . Better than he'd ever felt before .

He helped make the Leaky Cauldron look cleaner than it probably have ever looked , with a bit of modernity woven into the old world charm of the place.

Hannah one day bought a  TV that had been installed by a group of techno wizards bringing in more customers because now many could watch Quidditch matches and soaps that had been produced by a company named WBC that stood for Wizarding Broadcasting Corporation . It was almost like the BBC in the Muggle end of the Britain. 

There were also an old Jukebox around that needed  two Sickles to play people's favourite songs .

Some of these songs sounded quite bizarre .

One evening while he'd been busy  cleaning up a spill made by a very drunk Wizard  ,Gaia came into the pub looking a little lost until she met his topaz eyes from where he'd paused in his work to stare at her .

She came over to him and he wondered briefly why .

"  Hello , Edward," she said ," Are you still looking for more work ?. "
He'd asked around for a second job because he wanted something to do some nights while the pub was closed .

He'd asked the owner of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes to help him look .

" Yes," he said ," Did you find anything ?".

She smiled at him , nodding . " Old Mr Ollivanders' son had taken over the wand shop from his father . He's looking for a night guard because there's been a theft in the shops around it the other night . I bet it's that Mundungus Fletcher , but it could be someone else . Are you up for such a position?".

He smiled . " What about theft repellent spells ?. Didn't Mr Ollivanders' son think of that ?".

" He did . But he thought a night guard would be useful too . Anyway , I've told him about you and he promised to give you an interview tomorrow at nine . Don't be late ."

She was about to leave when Edward stopped her by grabbing her glove covered hand .

" Thank you ," he said gratefully ," I appreciate it that you thought of me ."

Gaia nodded . " You're welcome . Have a good evening , Edward ".

He retracted his hand and watched as she walked away before continuing his job of cleaning up  .
Gaia didn't go live with the Weasleys . She stayed in her Mum's cottage and came in to work for George Weasley everyday .

Soon Ron Weasley came to work there too and she started looking for other work because she hated seeing Ron . Because Ron was Harry's best friend .

It was unfair ,she knew , but she couldn't help it . She needed to get away and work somewhere where she wasn't going to bump into one of the Golden Trio.

After hours she studied for her NEWT exams . Unlike Ginny Weasley ,she didn't go back to Hogwarts when it was restored .

She didn't want to . Hogwarts was a closed chapter in her life .

She studied through the post , learning as hard as she could because she wanted a job that would send her overseas .
To the USA if she could get one .

She didn't want to be in Britain anymore . It held too many memories that she'd rather forget.

Diagon Alley wasn't a bad place to work in . She met new people and one of those was the man she'd bumped in the day she found out from Arthur Weasley that she was to live with him and his family.

Edward . Like Andromeda Tonks' late husband Edward Tonks that had been called Ted by everyone .

This Edward had no last name and he was beyond beautiful . Inhumanly so .

Many women and girls passing through the Alley and The Leaky Cauldron swooned over him .

He was also a bit of a mystery . Nobody knew him from manners . He had that rich American accent that she remembered hearing on a movie screen that her foster care parents had taken her to see once .

Edward was also very nice . He made friends quickly and he never judged anyone .

He also had no wand , but people thought that he was probably a squib . So no one questioned him being at The Leaky Cauldron or in Diagon Alley.

He smiled often , but like her he smiled past a sadness  that shown sometimes behind those eyes .

It made her wonder about him . What had happened that he was sad and why he wasn't in America .

She wanted to be his friend . But she didn't know how to . He seemed to want to be her friend too .

He always had a friendly word for her whenever he did food  deliveries to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes . 

She couldn't be more grateful for that . A friendly word was all she needed sometimes to feel better about herself.

She felt like she wasn't good enough to find love in this world . She felt a failure for always being the one without someone in her life .

If she could have a proper family , she'd be happy and grateful .

She just didn't want a Weasley because of Harry Potter ruining it for her when he decided to propose to Ginny Weasley .

She can never see the Weasleys as family again after that . Even if she knew that it wasn't their fault that Harry Potter chose to hurt her .

Today was her day off . She thought of studying ,but she wanted to go see Edward and hear if he got the night guard job at Ollivanders .

She thought that maybe it was time for her to return his friendliness .

They could try being friends ,right ?. Just friends . Nothing more . She can do that at least.

Yes , she can and maybe someday she'd be happy again .

No heartache would be most welcome to her. She'd enjoy that wholeheartedly .
I hope you liked . It's only a little filler .

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