The End Of All Past Things

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Gaia knew that it wasn't going to be that easy rounding up the whole family .

The Denali Clan had protested and the Aurors had been attacked when they came for Alice ....and Bella, who was now a newborn .
Shocker?!.....Not so much .

Alice , like  Rosalie had devices a plan to get rid of Gaia , but it included Orion also . But not Edward . No never Edward .

Somewhere in Alice's mind she believed her own lies that she'd spewed before .

Finding Jasper was easy because he wasn't far away from the Denalis .

He was infact living there and helping Bella adjust.

Finding Carlisle and Esme was a little trickier . They were found eventually in New York City of all places .

Rosalie and Emmet were found in Mystic Falls in a motel and Rosalie was plotting new plans to get Orion . She'd gone completely off her rocker .

Then there were the Denali Clan , who , even if they hadn't been part of this at first, had to be arrested for attacking Aurors.

Bella had gone and tried to bite an Auror too because apparently the Auror was her Singer . Her mouth had been magically sealed so she was relatively harmless .

Today was going to be the trial and Gaia are supposed to wait at Grimmauld Place while Edward himself was forced to attend .

She hated it . The waiting . She wanted to be there to support her husband , but Mrs. Weasley said it best for her to stay away .

She drank cup upon cups of tea and watched over her son .

She didn't want to be at 12 Grimmauld Place .  It was more Harry's house than hers .  The portrait of her grandmother had finally been removed and now hung in Kreacher the house elf's bedroom that had been moved to the attic from the closet in the kitchen .

Her grandmother was mostly asleep in her portrait . She suspected that Hermione had put her to sleep . It was for the best .

In the place of her grandmother's portrait was one of her Dad . An unmoving muggle one . It was a sad thing really . She'd have loved it if it was one of her Dad moving and talking .

A sigh escaped her lips as she paced the kitchen . This was stupid to her . The fact that only Edward got to attend the trial.

She worried that he might also be tried with his former coven .

She didn't want him to get hurt . She loved him too much .

" Mistress ," a quivery grumbling voice spoke up from beside her .

She looked down and gave the old un-Dobby like  elf a small smile .

" What can I do for you , Kreacher ?", she asked softly and carefully .

" Master Harry said to tell you that you are to come to the Ministry of Magic at once  . I am to watch over young Master Orion."

Gaia's smile widened . " Of course . Thank you , Kreacher . I'll go at once ."

It didn't take her long to dress more appropriately and then she was off to the Ministry of Magic and it wasn't long before she met up with Harry in the front lobby where he and Edward stood waiting .

" They have decided to Obliviate them all ", Harry filled her in ," They would've been executed , but Edward and I fought to have their memories erased . It seemed like the better option . "

" Okay , but why am I here ?".

Edward and Harry both looked at her and she understood without them having to tell her .

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