Spilling The Beans

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" Okay ,Alice , I'm going to ask you a few questions and you won't be able to lie anymore . Let this be an example for everyone else that tried to . " Edward looked at Bella when he said that .

His ex gulped , but didn't say anything . After all , this whole lie was her idea .

" Is it true that I am under a spell?", Edward asked .

Alice scrunched up her face , trying to resist , but her mouth opened out of its own . " No . Bella and I made that up ."

Everyone in the room gasped and some of them widened their eyes in shock .

" Why did you and Bella feel the need to lie about something like that ?".

" We wanted the Witch gone . We wanted you to get married to Bella . We wanted you to change Bella . "

" Why ?."

" Bella is your epic love . I want her as my sister . The Witch isn't good for you. I can't see your future when you're with her . I hate not seeing anything . I hate her . She needs to go and you need to marry Bella . I want you to be with Bella . The Witch has ruined my plans . I have planned the perfect wedding . I hate her . I hate her . She should go . I HATE HER!".

Edward stared at her for a moment . Her outburst was undeniably offensive .

" The Witch is my true mate ," he said ," Is Bella my mate ?".

" No . She is just your Singer . I wanted her in our family . I made a plan . I saw that she was like us. You and her were together . The epic love story of the century . And then it all disappeared . I couldn't see anything when Carlisle said that you're coming home . I only saw you . I didn't see the Witch. Or the Witch's spawn. I don't know why Rosalie are so in love with that little abomination ".

Edward's heart shattered at her words. He always loved his sister . But now?. He only felt pain and betrayal .

" Gaia's my wife," he said with conviction," You will accept her as such . "

"NO!", Alice roared ," I WILL NOT !. I HATE HER !".

Edward sighed softly. This girl was making a spectacle of herself.  Jasper , her own mate , was staring at her in horror , like she was something else other than a beautiful girl bubbly girl he knew and loved .  She looked like a monster to him in his mind .

Edward would've laughed if the situation wasn't dire . They couldn't blame Alice about everything . They had been so gullible. Eating everything up like it was  sweet cake.

He's disappointed in them . His sweet mother . His compassionate father . Everyone had disappointed him .  They rely too much on Alice's visions  sometimes . No , that's wrong . They rely on it all the time .

He felt a bitterness well up inside of him . They didn't stop to think that they were hurting him . That a true mate was a blessing . It was extremely rare to find one's true mate . One in an uncountable amount of stars .

He is the first to find his in this coven . Esme are Carlisle's mate , but she isn't his true mate . Same goes for everyone else .

Why can't they just accept it?.

Bella isn't his mate . He'd known that the moment he started to get to know Gaia .

He probably knew that the first time he met Bella .

" I WANT HER GONE !", Alice screamed ," PLEASE , EDWARD?!".

He sighed and shook his head at her . Hate is a horrible thing . It eats you up inside and drives you mad .

" I'm sorry , Alice . But no. I won't leave my mate . No matter what you want . Gaia, can you take away her memories ?. In fact , can you take away all of their memories ?".

Gaia moved closer to him . " Edward , give them a chance . They're your family . "

He shook his head . " No, they broke my heart . I can't give them another chance . They've had too many . "

" I can't do it , Edward . Family is precious . Let us just go ." She turned to his family ." I hope you're all happy now . I won't take your memories . You need to suffer   for your part in this . Don't follow us . Don't try to look for us . Or I might just change my mind and you will lose your memories ."

With that she nodded to Edward ,who spoke the password for the portkey and she waited until he was gone before releasing the bonds that kept everyone in place.

Alice launched at her , but she was thrown back by a protection spell that Gaia activated . Then with a twist the Witch was gone , leaving everyone to stare and think of what just happened .

Then they all turned their eyes to Alice and then to Bella .

But they could do nothing , because they chose to believe the lies .

Though, they could still give well deserved punishment.

" Bella , you are no longer family of ours", Carlisle said," We will change you . But then you will leave us alone . I don't care where you go . We will no longer take responsibility for you . Alice, you will go live with the Denali coven for a while and you will not see Jasper until you've learned that lying to your family is a crime . As for all of us . We will break up this family and find redemption for our sins against Edward and his true mate . As of now , the Cullen Clan is no more ".
" I'm taking my human surname back ," Edward told Gaia as they walked into a small house he decided to buy in Mystic Falls .

It was a one story house with two bedrooms and one bathroom.

It was big enough for their little family .

" I'm a Masen . I was always a Masen . Cullen was just a cover up for me living with them ."

Gaia looked at him . She knew how it hurt him to even say their names . So them was the best he could do .

" It's okay . I'll take on that one too . Gaia Masen sounds much better than Gaia Cullen.  Let's hope that it'll bring us all the luck we can get . "

He smiled softly at her . She always makes him feel so happy .

" Come on let's get cleaning . I can see dust bunnies everywhere . Then we'll go buy furniture . Do you still have everything from my room ?. Like my books and CD's?."

" Everything. It's a wonder they didn't find out that your piano is missing ."

Edward laughed at that . She'd shrunk his piano at some point during their stay at Forks . Then she'd done a spell that showed the piano that wasn't there any more . It was quite funny . They would only find out it is missing when they try to clean it or try to sit on the stool.

" Let's hope they don't . I'd hate to be arrested for stealing my own things ".

Gaia laughed . " Don't worry . I transfigured some things . Your piano has a twin made from a bush . "

Edward burst out laughing at that . Gaia was such a breath of fresh air after stuffy dull Bella Swan .

He will never ever give her up for anyone .

" Come on , let's get to work . I can't wait to see the results when we have a full house of furniture and everything . Bet you it's going to look wonderful , Edward."

" Okay, what are we betting on ?. "

" A kiss and more if you want it ". She waggled her eyebrows seductively .

He groaned softly . " Don't tease me ," he complained ," You know I won't be able to get enough of you ."

Gaia giggled. " Well, if you want to win . We better start ".

And so they did . Cleaning the house , of course .
Hope you liked. A quick question : do anyone like someone else to be Edward other than Robert Pattinson ?. 💀

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