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She stared at the woman sitting in her grandparents living room.

The woman knew her Mum and her Aunt Isobel.

She was more her Isobel's friend than Nicole's .

She looked a little old and rundown . It made her wonder why.

What happened in this woman's life that she looked like she had lost all sense of life ?.

Was it the way the years had changed her as in her  age ?.

She wasn't as young as she used to be . Not as young as Gaia or even Edward .

She would never get back the beauty of youth . Though , not all young people were beautiful.

Gaia always thought herself not beautiful. But Edward made her feel that way . Even just a little  .

But this wasn't about herself right now . It was about this woman who seemed like the world was on her shoulders​.

Why ?. Why did this woman trigger her sympathy ?.

This was bizarre!.

"Here you go ,Dear ", Lorraine said placing a cup of tea in front of Trudie.

" Um...Thanks, Lorainne ."

In Trudie's younger years she'd call Lorainne, Mrs. Flemming .  It was only recent years that it changed  on request of Lorainne herself.

" Ah well, you're welcome , Trudie . You look a bit down today . What's going on?".

Trudie sipped her tea , eyeing the older woman , but for a moment her eyes flickered to Gaia, who  gave her a friendly smile .

She didn't know if this girl she was seeing ,was actually Nicole's daughter as she was introduced as .

Oh, Trudie knew about Vampires . Isobel told her and  of course Isobel was one herself and of course she knew about Isobel's ancestor Katherine Pierce  alias Katerina Petrova.

This girl was practically Katherine Pierce's twin . So, what if Katherine Pierce had compelled this fine people in believing that she was Nicole's daughter?. She needed to warn them without​ Pierce noticing.

The girl didn't flinch at her stare and she wondered why . Was it all an act?.

She snorted inwardly . Of course it is an act .
This is Pierce . Anything can happen with her around .

" Did you go to boarding school too ?", she asked to make small talk , while thinking about a way to tell Nicole's parents that this isn't their granddaughter ,but an imposter.

" Hogwarts , in Scotland ," the girl spoke ," And my Mum was in Ilvermorny ,yeah?".

Trudie frowned at that . "You're like Nicole then?."

Gaia nodded." Yes , you can say Witch , you know ?. It's not a crime. "

Trudie sat up straight , wondering if Pierce had any magic in her blood . Isobel did say she didn't ,but Pierce could've hidden it .

" You have a wand ?", she asked .

Gaia smiled , pulling it out of it's holster on her wand arm .

" Twelve inches Rosewood . Fairly swishy and a single phoenix feather core  . My friend back home has a wand with a phoenix feather core  too . From the same bird , that is . It's actually very odd . "

Trudie's​ mind swirled with thoughts about how Pierce could be deceiving them all .

Couldn't the Flemmings see that this girl wasn't Nicole's kid ?

" I'm not Witch . So , I won't know anything about wands ,"she told the girl .

" Fair enough. I'm not an expert either. Mr. Ollivanders in  Diagon Alley ,in Wizarding London , made this wand.  His son has taken over the business now . Mr . Ollivanders had a hard time in the Wizarding war, you see. So he decided to retire ."

" Wizarding war?," Trudie asked .

" Well, yes . Recently there was one . It was horrible. But it was in Britain only . The Americans had it good here.  Wish I didn't have to fight in it . But I did . "

Trudie frowned , but didn't comment on her story .

She looked towards the entrance of the living room where a very​ beautiful man appeared with a baby in his arms .

" Gaia, Orion needs a feeding ", he said .

The girl nodded , getting up and Trudie's frown deepened.

Vampires can't have kids ,right?. So how did this imposter ?.

She didn't catch Edward's glare . He'd heard all  her thoughts  the whole time .
And he didn't appreciate them .
" Who's Katherine Pierce?", Edward asked while she nursed the baby.

She looked up at him in confusion. " I don't know . Should I know her ?".

Edward knew when Gaia was lying and he was sure she wasn't lying right now .

" That woman thinks that you're her and are going to tell your grandparents that you're pretending to be Nicole's daughter."

She scowled at that . " Why do everyone in America think  the worst of me ?", she asked a bit bitterly," What'd I ever do to her or even your family?".

Edward sighed, feeling bad for her . He knew that he being with her was the cause of his family being like they are . Alice didn't want her and made up a lie and that lie had corrupted everyone.

" We'll figure something out . I'm not letting you get hurt because of some woman who don't know everything about the supernatural even if she thinks she does . Like you said the other day , I'll say it too,  I'll fight for you . And make no mistake , I'll surely win ."

Gaia smiled at the determination in his voice .

Yes , they'll fight for each other . No matter how hard it was going to be , they would find a way to win  because they had only each other and their child and no one was supposed to try and​ mess up their lives .
Trudie didn't stay longer​ than after lunchtime .

Edward had gone out before that . He'd said that he had sone errands to run , but truth is he couldn't eat . This wasn't the food of the Wizarding World. This was Muggle food .

Gaia decided to be polite to the woman who once knew her Mum . There was nothing to it . All she had to do is be friendly.

She secretly used her Occlumensy skills to probe the woman's mind and found out all that she knew about the supernatural world .

It wasn't as much as she thought. Trudie seemed to have seen Isobel and Isobel wasn't human anymore. She also obviously knew what this Katherine Pierce looked like . It was unsettling. Pierce looked like Gaia .

It made Gaia wonder about the girl she saw the other day . Did she know about this Katherine woman?. Did she even know about Isobel?.

She probably did and Gaia knew that if she wanted more information , she'd have to go see the other girl.

" Merlin's beard , what am I going to get myself into now ?".

She ate her lunch and afterwards she helped her grandmother clean up . Then she left to look after Orion a bit and look through her Mum's old school things  that her Grandma gave her .

Trudie hadn't told her lies yet , and that was a blessing . Her grandparents might   believe Trudie because they knew her better.

She just hoped that Trudie won't say anything.

She would hate to be accused falsely and thrown out of her own family's home .

She sighed deeply. She had no idea how she was going to keep Trudie from  telling her grandparents this false truth .

Maybe Edward would have an idea . He was older and far more intelligent than herself, afterall.
Sorry if it's short. 🍊

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